Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Playdate at Alex's home

今天憲瑞到他好朋友Alex and Taline家玩 他的好朋友家裡面有好多玩具 又可以玩沙 玩水 加上認識很多其他的寶寶 雖然他是裡面年紀最小的 但是個子卻一點也不輸人家 他玩的開心到 一上車不到十秒就在後座睡很熟了

Oh...Nathan had the best day today...he met so many new baby friends, play in the sand, and the the baby kitchen set, and many of Taline's toys..and Taline is such a sweet hostress to share her toys and gave passionate hugs..

Nathan probably fall asleep within one second when I put him on the's always so fun to have a playdate with other moms, there are so much to learn from each moms, and so many topics we can talk about..and most important of fun to watch the babies grow up together and with so much interaction with each other. Considering most moms today are just became or going to be mom for the second time..oh...I am not envy them..but very much looking forward to see more babies in the mommy's group..hopefully one day I will join the 2nd time mommy club. :-)

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