Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Preparing for the big ultrasound

Here is Andrea, just before the ultrasound. We were so excited at this moment! It has been a month since the last time we saw our little baby. We wonder, what has changed these last 4 weeks, 25% of our baby's entire existence! He/she sure is active; waking us up every morning at precisely 5am, he/she really is an early riser. Andrea can feel him kicking a lot! Hmmmm, are we in trouble after he/she is born? Will this baby always have nonstop energy?

Our May Ultrasound

Today (5/31) we had our 20th week ultrasound. It was a disappointing visit to the doctor. We waited 2 hours for this 2 minute visit; found out nothing. The ultrasound is so unclear! We had better ultrasounds at 4 weeks than we're getting at 20 weeks. Well, June 13th we will have a higher resolution ultrasound; perhaps that will be our chance to see the baby more clearly.
Today (5/31) we had the 20th week ultrasound. We were optimistically hoping to know the gender today, but, still we live in mystery. You can see the spine and the heart here, but not much else is clear. On June 13th we will have a more detailed ultrsound where the doctor will actually measure the baby's size. We waited 2 hours for this 3 minute exam. What you see here is 100% of the time we had with the doctor. The file is 161 MB, so may take a while to open.

Monday, May 26, 2008

First Baby Bump (12 wks)

The pictures are getting a little out of order here (this is 12 weeks along) going back to the end of April here, but I think it is an interesting shot. In most clothes she didn't look pregnant yet, but in the right maternity clothes it was starting to be apparent...we were getting worried if U.S. customs might question us when we return!

Memorial Day Party

We hosted a memorial day picnic BBQ at a local park. We invited all of Andrea's coworkers and ended up with 12 hungry mouths to feed; but everyone contributed a dish so we had a huge variety. It turned out to be very cold (60 degrees) but was still a very pleasant 6 hour meal! The group also sang Happy Birthday to me, here is the cake to prove it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

胎動 (18 wk 5 day)

慢慢開始 覺得肚子裡有一些動靜了
剛開始以為只是腸胃蠕動 但是可以感覺是胃前面的那一圈肉在動~~~像是一條魚在裡面快樂的翻滾 宰相肚理能撐船~~ 想不到我肚子裡可以游泳~~

我想 這就是傳說中的胎動了 照理 應該充滿母愛光輝的享受這一份感受寶寶活動的喜悅 但是
事實上 我腦中卻出現了異型在肚子裡突然活動 變大 然後破肚而出 黏黏醜醜的樣子~~喔!!!!!!我真是個壞媽媽 看樣子 我得努力培養自己的母愛氣質了 不然 會生出跟我一樣充滿怪念頭的怪小孩

很愛睡 也很努力的讓自己多走路 想說 運動可以幫助順產~ 希望自己能像一些運氣超好的孕婦 唉唉叫二十分鐘就如2003年的電影 "big fish"一樣 孩子飛快遛出 以超快速度衝過醫生的手 滑出產房 在大家的驚嘆聲中 笑呵呵的來到這世間

昨晚aaron半夜兩點就起床 準備獨自開車去北加州看他奶奶 結果我們的小寶貝也很興奮的從兩點開始吵到早上四點半 在肚子裡面鬧者"我也要去玩!!!!" 結果我就上半部很想睡 中間部分很清醒的掙扎許久才沉沉入睡 老娘明天還要帶你去賺奶粉錢咧 乖乖的在裡面長大 等出來了再去玩~~

以前天天上班十二小時 還精神奕奕 現在睡了十二小時竟然還睡不飽 八小時的班 下午三點就開始盯者時鐘 希望下班時間早早來到 真不了解為什麼有一些天賦異稟的媽媽可以每天健走兩小時 還可以騎馬 我卻已經開始了食物不小心沾到肚子的爉塌生涯 真是不習慣多出的這一塊~~看樣子 很快就可以練習餐盤放在肚子上的特技了

雖然還不知道性別 其實也還不知道自己希望哪個性別 一邊想者女生很好 很貼心 一方面也想 喔 男生很好動 以後追者跑一定很好玩 一邊很期待 一邊也不知道自己是否有準備好當父母的能力 既沒耐心也沒財力 希望自己不會成為紅眼追者打小孩的壞媽媽(:-P我想aaron絕對沒有這種可能性 我只能寄望他能成功的阻擋我失去理智) 希望自己能像Big Fish裡面的父母一樣 不管日子怎麼過 永遠都能夠讓孩子充滿創意 相信奇蹟 及對這世界充滿信任與好奇

恩 怪念頭想太多了 應該專心多看點書 準備寶寶的到來

Andrea 5.21.08

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rolling Over Before Birth

Our baby was 14 weeks old and we took the ultrasound during our Taiwan trip. He/She was 14 wks, 7.8 cm long and heartbeat 147 per minutes. The doctor told us everything is normal and it's an active baby :-) Yeah...
This is one of the clearest videos we have of our baby, and he/she happens to be moving here. I can just imagine, he/she has an itch, a roll and a scratch and its all better!

Sitting on our egg and preparing our nest

We are putting some effort into building our nest. Here Andrea sits in her nest, directing Aaron to rearrange the furniture in our natural habitat...our apartment. Andrea started to feel a little back pain this week, and so now likes to sit on pillows, or blankets folded into a nest-shape. We are considering how to modify our home to be more comfortable for our baby, and coincidentally making it more nest-like.

Remembering what was

Today I was thinking what Andrea was like in the days before our little baby existed. This picture is from Christmas 2007, and shows how different Andrea looked just a few months ago. She eats less now than back then (especially less vegetables!), but somehow looks like she eats more. Although we've passed the 18 week milestone, she still has an incredible sense of smell, and is quite picky about only eating certain things. It seems our baby is not a big fan of garlic or dark green vegetables. Well, perhaps it is an acquired taste, and maybe we can one day convince him/her to not be so picky!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Little Baby Starts to Make His/Her Presence Known

We are now 18 weeks into the pregnancy, and their is no doubt that our little baby is growing fast. Although we could see big changes starting around 12 weeks, it seems like he/she is doubling in size every 2 weeks or so. At this point, no normal clothes fit, and walking pose has changed to a wider stance, with shorter gait. Andrea can feel the baby rolling around inside, every now and then waking her up at night. This is such an exciting time.