Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

Auntie Teritha's Wedding

My beautiful older Sister Teritha got married this year. Nathan and us had a wonderful time of participating in the very complicated,lots tradition and ceremony stlye Chinese wedding. My husband finally realized how much I made his life better without applied all the customs to our own wedding :-P

Traditionally, the wedding has many steps, and the engagement party is consider the major party to invite all the bride side's families, friends, and relatives. And the wedding is for all the groom side's connections. Teritha and her husband wants to "simplied " their wedding, so in the end, they decided to combine two party into one..and guess what...they ended have over 500 guests in their wedding. There almost run out of seating for all the guests...

Here are some of the photos from her beautiful traditional Chinese Wedding

Pictures with great grand parents

My friend Alex just posted a 4 generation pictures of her daughter and all the moms. I think it's such a sweet coorespond to her great it is..Nathan's pictures with his great grandparents and Taiwan and US..

My husband and I both study for the elderly..and that's how we met throught the program of Gerontology at USC. We are always fanicated by older people. I find each of their face very charming and full of story..and it always warm up my heart so much whenever I see my son with his great grandparents who are at their 90s..I think Nathan is very blessed that he can still met them. However, I are quite doubtful if I can be a great grandparents myself..only if I can live up to 90s or more I guess. :-)

Hmm...forgot to take picture of Nathan and his great grand dad, here is daddy and Nathan's 92 yrs old great grand dad Lau-Wu(grandmom's dad) at Taiwan on Feb 2010 at Aunt Teritha's wedding party.

Picture with Nathan's 89 yr old great grandmom Mane-Mei Lee (grand dad's mom) at Taiwan at Feb 2010

Picture with Nathan's 91 year old great grandmom Betty Hagedorn at Napa, CA on 2010 March

Picture with 65-yrs-old grand dad Sam and 62-yrs-old grandmom Shun at their home near Hsing-Chu at Taiwan's Chinese New Year during Feb, 2010

Picture of Nathan with his grand dad Tim and grandmom Linda at Arboretum at Los Angeles, CA during Christmas 2009.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The library story time and art project

mommy's little helper

Nathan is very curious and wants to participate in everything that I am doing, drinking, cooking, laundry, cleaning, driving, and shopping..

He got an important role now..he will help to put whatever grocery we got and put in the cart..sometimes mommy is too slow to pick up something for him...then he will decided to pick up something himself..

憲瑞現在很喜歡幫忙 打掃 洗衣 甚至買菜 我買菜的時候 他現在是媽咪的小幫手 會幫我把東西放到籃子裡 要是我太慢给他東西放 他會迫不及待的自己抓架上的東西

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

kidspace children museum on Sunday with daddy 上星期天兒童博物館之形之行

在Pasadena那邊有一間專門為兒童開的博物館 其中有自然科學區 還有四歲以下幼幼兒室內與室外遊戲區 玩水區 香草花園 天象區 體能訓練區 加上戶外餐廳 很多我認識的美國媽媽們都會辦個半年或是一年的會員票 期間內無限次數遊玩 其中上午有說故事時間 下午有唱歌玩樂器時間

上一次來的時候因為憲瑞還不太會爬 所以能玩的有限 現在他這麼好動 這一次去他玩的非常開心 由於家庭會費也蠻便宜的 於是乎我們當場就決定辦了半年的會員 其實那各會員價差不多等於來兩 三次門票的費用 所以現在開始 我們要努力的常常來玩 讓物超所值