Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

mommy's little helper

I wish I didn't miss such long period of time for posting Nathan's update.

This new job is really it sometimes but sometimes it's just overwhelming when it prevent me from more time with Nathan and other mommies and babies.

Since Nathan pass his 2 year old mark, his speech and walking seems improve so much over night. So much more personality and also has more personal preference. Sometimes it can be tricky to convince him for meal or shower..or something he doesn't want to do right at that moment. But sometimes he just do things even without asking, two nights in a row, after dinner, he start to take off his shirt and said suggest us to go bath.

Also, his interest in coping our behavior is very strong now. If I use spoon, then he would refuse to use fork. If I hold my bowl, he will too. And he insist to help with dish wash, laundry, cleaning the floors, hand the Christmas kept me more busy, less personal time...and yet very happy.

he has this obsession for wheels, trains, bus, dogs...anything that moves, also he love to dig my China Cabinet to explore all the vase, glass insides...very insist...and he also insist to be the one to bring dirty dishes to the sweet, and yet so dangerous for the plates :-)

My baby is moving fast and growing into toddler now...this is amazing...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kids Space Museum- 22 month

Nathan also loves kids space a lot, I think he enjoyed so much to social with other kids and get himself wet...

San Diego Zoo

I think other than Disneyland..Zoo is the best place for Nathan. It's really cute to see him says "ZOoooooo.....Zoooooo....Zoooo..", like a little car starting its engine.

Since he was 9 months, he knows how to make some baby signs for animals. Now he can imitate lots animal's sounds and say their names in Chinese and English (if we can tell what he is talking..)

Nathan loves all animals, when we went to blue berry picking, he was very insist to feed the goat carrots himself.

And one thing he loves to do recently is to share his food with every one, mostly daddy. Nathan always love to share everything, his toy, food. His day care teach told me that he even picked up toys and deliver to babys who were stuck in high chairs and couldn't get toys by themselves. I think Nathan's big heart is like his daddy.

The Orange County Park-horse riding

Nathan LOVES the little train, the family bicycle, little bit scared of the horse in the beginning but soon adjusted well. The only thing we didn't try was the boat..concern what if we lose balance..:-P But Nathan saw the boats in the lake and showed GREAT interest to walk in the lake...

happy waving

Cho Cho Train

Baby feeding 20M

Summer of 2010

It has been a long time since my previous post. Not mentioned there are a lot of changes in our life.

i just started a job at a nonprofit organization called SimplyHelp Foundation who focus its services on international disaster relief, job training schools for poor children of developing countries, and homeless shelter for the elderly. In the past three month, I visited El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua for job purpose. It was great to see how our projects are done overseas and yet it was quite exhausted for all the travels while my husband struggled of babysitting by himself. It was probably the longest time I ever be apart from Nathan.

I felt the summer of 2010 passed by so quickly. So quick that it didn't feel like we had any time for a family vacation. Luckily we were able to managed to spend a weekend at Disneyland for Nathan, visited Saint Diego Zoo, as well as a horse-riding and a train-riding at the State Park at Orange County.

Looked back the videos we took, I realized even as simply as visited the beach, and watched the July 4th Parade with Nathan... all made this summer extra special to us. Through baby's eyes, the world become a place full of excitements and new things.I realized that with the guide from Nathan, life has become more and more fun now.

As a conclusion..summer, ocean, beach, animals, little train, horses, seals, balloon parade, Disneyland...this is quite a summer than I expected..all because of my baby boy who is almost 2 year old now.

This is Nathan's new favorite- train-riding

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A milestone for walking!

Nathan has been walking with hand supports for over 6 months..he is walking okay by just holding one hand too..however, he just never feel confident enough to let go both hands completely..

however, this morning, while we were just playing in the bedroom, he was holding my leg standing next to the bed, he suddenly decided to give a try...and...there he go...hands raise high to the sky...abd start to walk forward without any support..for 3-4 steps..and reach to the edge of the bed.. I was so surprised and so happy..and he seems very proud of it and repeat several times from bed to me, me to bed...

Oh...this is a great news to me, I've wondering why my boy seems take longer to walk..his doctor even told me he was wondering if Nathan has some problem and we checked with child-neuron doctor to confirmed that everything about Nathan is fine..he is just extra tall and big..and that's why it took him longer..

But see him walking is amazing..hopefully we will see more of his walking progress soon!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Finally dare to crawl through the tunnel..

Nathan has been very curious about the tunnel but so far, he is mostly enjoy watching other kids to crawl through it and he is not dare to do it...but on last Thursday..he did it at the Lacy park...he just jump on the tunnel and crawl nature..and in and out and in and out..many times and loving sure what made him decided it's time to give a try..but I am sure happy to see it.

憲瑞一直很喜歡看別的小朋友爬進爬出隧道 但是始終他都不敢嘗試 上星期四跟他阿姨一起去公園玩的時候 也不知道是什麼原因 他突然決定今天他要試試看 就很快樂的爬上去 爬進爬出很多次 玩的很開心 看樣子上學真的讓我的寶寶變的更勇敢了

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yummy Yummy..happy birthday, Taline!!!

On last Sunday (5/2), Nathan's good friend Taline just turned to 2 year old and we were so happy to join her birthday party. The party's whole set-up is quite amazing, both the small detail as well as the overall view. Taline's mommy Alex really showed her great talent in decoration (She is a professional wedding planner). And Daddy Garo is also very friendly kind person. Alright..I have to admit..I like their whole family, including all the grandparents :-)

Nathan was very excited to see the very colorful playground and all his good friends, Taline, Deshell, Kacey, Owen, Branda, Lura, and several new baby friends..and finally..a baby who is younger than him ;-) He was just amazed with all the activities, the fun child table, the ballons, the play house, the ball pool.

And the food..the cute animal sandwich that Taline's grand-dad made..and the very healthy but delicious cup cake..I think..only Nathan can talk well now, he will tell me days after days how much fun he had in the party.

上星期天我們去參加憲瑞的朋友泰玲的兩歲生日派對 泰玲的媽媽是專業的婚禮顧問 整個派對都裝飾的非常可愛也很多顏色 派對是在他家的後院 除了很多小朋友以外 泰玲的祖父母 叔叔阿姨 還有曾祖母也都來了 看到他們家的人都這麼親切又疼小孩 感覺是非常溫馨的 派對上除了很多小朋友可以玩的玩具 也很多專門為小朋友準備的食物 包括那個小蛋糕都是用蘋果汁 葡萄乾等東西去調味的 沒有很多其他的糖分 上次憲瑞一歲的時候我也是用同樣的食譜去烤他的蛋糕 幸運的泰玲再過兩個半月就要增加一個小妹妹了 唉 真羨幕

你如果想看更多那個美麗派對的照片 泰玲媽媽的網站有放更多照片 他們相機照出來的畫質真好 同樣的 美國人取景的角度也跟我們的習慣不太一樣 也很有他們自己的味道

Oh..Taline is a princess who is so good in hugs..and our baby Nathan..LOVES it!泰玲很喜歡給其他的小朋友擁抱 有的小朋友不喜歡 但是我們家憲瑞非常喜愛 常也會擁抱回去

Even after we came home, Nathan still enjoy so much of the party treat..he tried to decorate the bucket..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

love parenting class

Nathan started this parenting class with me for over 3 weeks now and he really loves it. Last Saturday was the first time daddy can join us for the class which made Nathan even more excited..the first time he sees daddy on weekend in the past 3 weeks because daddy has to work so hard..
憲瑞跟我每週六都去上父母與我的課程 這一星期他爹終於有空可以加入我們 美國社區幾乎都有這樣類似的課程 費用也很便宜 那個老師人很好 而且有幼兒發展的碩士 憲瑞非常喜歡她上的課

This is his teacher Jackie who has a Master of Children development and Nathan really really likes her.

Nathan's first day at Day Care

Finally..after a long debate, I decided to take a part-time job offer just so that it will connect me again back to the job field and at same time, it still keeps the flexibility for me so that I can still keep some quality time with my boy. Mostly, I feel Nathan needs more stimulation because he seems always extra happy, extra active when he is with other kids...maybe it's time for my baby boy to start a new life than seeing mommy whole day long...

And..Today is Nathan's first day to go to day care, he was little bit nervous when we walked in the facility but he was willing to let Frank, one of the teacher to hold him. After few mins, he started to crawl around, touch the posters, pictures, and even pull out two toy boxes to play while he still check on me every now and then to ensure I am nearby..after a while, he was attracted to other toddlers, the toys..and soon happily invited himself to join the breakfast table..

I talked to the teacher during this time, peaking on my some way, I think this is more difficult for me than for my son, I probably will be nervous whole day wonder if he is okay, if he is enjoying himself, if he is not crying seeking for mommy while he is probably just curious but anxious to explore this new world to him..but knowing how happy Nathan is when he sees other babies and when he sees new toys..I hope this change will bring his lots more stimulation and fun for him.

oh well...let's see.....I think today will be a long day for me...can't wait for the time to pick him up..

今天是憲瑞上學的第一天 他剛進教室的時候有一點緊張 但是他卻可以接受老師抱他 過一會兒 他開始想爬來爬去 摸摸新環境牆上的海報 拉出玩具箱裡面的玩具 過了一會兒 他看到小朋友們在吃早餐 他就想加入他們

我想 新學校對憲瑞是一件開心的事情 因為他每次看到別的小朋友 新的玩具 都會特別開心 特別愛動 讓他上學 除了因為我要上班以外 也是希望提供他更多的刺激 讓他想動一些

上學這一件事情 似乎媽媽的適應期比小朋友更長 我想我整天 大概 都會一直坐立不安 想他有沒有開心 有沒有好好吃 有沒有乖乖睡覺 有沒有小朋友欺負他 會不會哭哭找媽媽 恩 我想 對於放學的時間 我大概會比他更開心~ 雖然心裡上覺得這樣對他是好的 恩 今天看起來會是很長的一天

Monday, May 3, 2010

No more glasses!

one good news after a long low time...

We just had our 2nd eye doctor appointment on last Wednesday..the previous eye doctor is an OTD, but our pediatrician think that OTD is not good enough and request for a second appointment with an eye MD because he is concern if there is any neuro issues with his sight..

The previous diagnosis is that Nathan is +5 far-signed on both eyes and will needs to wear glasses...but since Nathan just absolutely refuse the glasses..and almost never wear it over 30 seconds, we are thinking maybe the prescription is too high and never forced him. ..

This time...the doctor was so different than previous doctor, she is an eye MD specialized for children's vision. She finished the drop within 30 seconds before Nathan even realized what's going on and then she use a little roster pen to attract his attention in order to measure on his eyes' response and focus..all I can say a difference..she is patient and yet so skillful...

According to her, Nathan's problem called "ocular meto apro" and it is kind of neuro issues that just simple come with some babies..but she told us a great news...she said..this problem will just disappear over time as the nerve cell grows more mature, so there is no need for any type of glasses..and she said the previous diagnosis was wrong before the doctor probably simply not familiar with little children..

I am so glad we didn't forced Nathan to keep his glasses on..and even more happy..that even though the money got wasted on the glasses..he doesn't need them after all..We will have another follow up after 4 month and hopefully everything is normal by then. :-)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Auntie Teritha's Wedding

My beautiful older Sister Teritha got married this year. Nathan and us had a wonderful time of participating in the very complicated,lots tradition and ceremony stlye Chinese wedding. My husband finally realized how much I made his life better without applied all the customs to our own wedding :-P

Traditionally, the wedding has many steps, and the engagement party is consider the major party to invite all the bride side's families, friends, and relatives. And the wedding is for all the groom side's connections. Teritha and her husband wants to "simplied " their wedding, so in the end, they decided to combine two party into one..and guess what...they ended have over 500 guests in their wedding. There almost run out of seating for all the guests...

Here are some of the photos from her beautiful traditional Chinese Wedding