Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 26, 2009

憲瑞最近喜歡的新玩具Nathan's recent favorite toy-the Manhantan ball..(19wks)

Nathan is growing very fast recently..his legs has been pop out of his car seats and his favorite swing. Aaron and I have to update a lot of his items..from car seats to more clothe..We were shock and surprised to find out that the 24 month clothe fit our baby just right.....We are very proud of his good growth...and also start to worry...if the 4.5 month baby is in 24 month clothe...then what his size will be in his actual 24 month???
憲瑞最近長的很快 胖的很可愛 衣服已經穿到12-18個月的尺寸了 21lb (9.6kg) 70cm 讓我們兩個又驕傲又擔心會不會長太快了 在他會走路之前就抱不動怎麼辦 回台灣的飛機會不會把飛機上的嬰兒床給壓垮了 汽車座椅跟他之前喜歡的搖椅都坐到腳都翹出來了 這個週末開始要幫他換汽車座椅了

And Thanks so so much to his wonderful aunt Erin..Erin is such an expert of what toys the baby boys would far..all his favorite toys are from her. This manhantan his current favorite..
最近他喜歡上二嫂送他的一個小球 Manhantan Ball ..這是針對這個年紀小朋友設計的 他可以壓縮 容易讓他的小手抓住 搖起來又有聲音 最近他還發現可以抓來咬

And this colorful..funnny looking the very first toy that can attract his attention. He used to star it when he is only 2 month old..and now he loves to pad on it and grasp the also make some sounds that would excited him even more when he shake it..

另外那個看起來很多顏色的怪怪臉 也是一個他很喜歡的玩具 叫做Whoozit..
也是因為很多顏色 又有不同的抓環可以抓 拍打之後還有聲音 在他眾多玩具中是第一個吸引他注意力的 他到現在都還是很喜歡

Another update of my baby boy..Nathan also drooling a lot recently..I can see two very clear cute tooth hinden in his low gum..I think they will pop out quickly..He loves to lick..chew..and bite on things...and thanks to his wonderful aunt Erin again...the cute giraffe from Aunt Erin is the toy I always have to take with me whenever I took Nathan out..he can play with it for a long time..he loves the flavor of the head as well as the feet :-P

另外 最近很喜歡咬東西跟流口水 應該很快可以看到小白出來了
雖然下牙齦可以很清楚看到兩顆很 可愛的小白牙藏在裡面 但是還是沒有冒出來 胃口依然非常好 感覺上媽媽的ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ跟配方奶的熱量好像不太夠讓他睡一整晚 現在每晚間隔差不多四到五小時還是要起來吃奶 醫生說讓他提早五個月開始吃副食品 因為怕太早吃 他的腸胃不成熟 所以現在就還是盡量辛苦一點半夜起來餵奶 現在白天他沒事就是親親自己的小手 啃的很多紅印

怕他把自己的手指給吸不見了 最近開始讓他啃二嫂送的另外一個玩具 法國製的磨牙長頸鹿 他還蠻喜歡的 有時候啃頭 有時候啃腳 有時候就把其他玩具抓來咬 看樣子他喜歡長頸鹿頭跟腳的味道

Since Nathan learned how to roll over..he just roll none stop..however..he wants to learn how to crawl as far..pretty much stay in the kicking on the same spot stage..he is quite upset that he isn't able to move sometimes Aaron would held him to "fly forward" ...since this little cheating would make our son so happy...

憲 瑞從會翻身以後 雖然還是不會翻向上 只會翻向下 但是他已經迫不及待想學爬了 不過還不會爬 就拼命唉唉叫的踢腿 看不像去把他翻過身來 通常不到兩秒 他又堅持翻過去繼續努力 常常用力到滿臉口水 汗水加上淚水 爲了怕疼他的外公又懷疑我虐待兒子 就不拍影片給你們看啦 偶爾aaron會抱者他讓他往前小'飛'一段 讓他能有往前的感覺 希望能鼓勵我兒子繼續加油

Sometimes..just a little towel can make my son very happy..he is just a happy boy that anything can turn into a fun game to him..
其實有時候 就算簡單的小毛巾 我兒子也可以被逗的很開心 這個年紀 什麼都好玩 沒事自己也會笑的很開心

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nathan and toys (19wks)- just pictures to share with grandparents who love to see him so much..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nathan's 1st swimining experience 第一次游泳 2.22.08

Nathan的大阿姨幫他買了一個嬰兒專用的游泳圈 前一陣子天氣冷一直都沒機會試用

好不容易這兩天天氣轉暖了 我跟老公趕緊拿出來在家裡的澡缸讓他試試

剛下水的時候他爸爸非常緊張 所以決定一起下水 倒是我兒子一副好奇的樣子
沒一會兒他爸爸就幫他漂過來漂過去 他胖胖的臉卡在游泳圈裡看起來很好笑 不過他很喜歡 而且不知道是不是體脂肪太高 一下子就漂起來了 根本不用教

我跟老公有提到 我兒子會不會擔心他未來結婚的時候 他父母在婚禮上放這段影片 ㄟ 我老公說 那到時候我們加個效果 在重點部位加個卡通圖案好了(ㄟ 因為重點部位有不小心露了一下 所以不方便post在網站上 游泳部份的影片就等我們回台灣在給你們看好了)

他游完泳高興的手足舞蹈 拼命的說話 像是急者要告訴我們 "你知道發生什麼事情嗎 我游泳耶 真的很好玩耶 你都不知道有多好玩 喔 我都沒辦法表達到底有多好玩" 他可以一講講二十多分鐘 也路一小段給你們看看

Monday, February 16, 2009

Nathan's first date on 2/14( 17wks)憲瑞的第一個情人節

我們家這個大頭小胖子今年的情人節過的非常充實 從早上起床到晚上睡覺之間約會不斷 從起床開始跟可愛的小妹妹吃午餐 下午跟cindy還有nancy阿姨約會 晚上再跟一大群公司同事一起晚餐

情人節這天他約會對象包含大他四天的小姐姐到已經可以當他奶奶的熟女 真是一個幸福的小傢伙

憲瑞出生的時候 外公 外婆就一直笑說這個小帥哥以後會有很多女朋友追(ㄟ 自己家的寶貝 我們總是有點.......賣瓜自誇) 外公說要我盯者不要讓他大學前交女朋友 我卻笑稱那我得讓他早一點開始約會 這樣經驗多了以後才知道怎麼選老婆

想不到 我兒子的First Date就在他滿17週的這天發生了~~~

情人節的這天一早 老公的朋友李博士夫妻和十二歲的大兒子Jerry帶者他們剛出生的女兒Nancy來家裡玩 Nacy也是一個快樂健康的小寶寶 出生日只比我兒子早四天 Nancy很會笑很會說話 整個笑聲就比我兒子要細聲細氣多了 還會主動牽手握Nathan..(偏偏我家這個不解風情) 兩個寶寶放一起 Nathan整整比人家大很多 Nathan跟人家玩 還把女生手上的玩具很自然的接過來了

兩個寶寶玩的很高興 憲瑞平常很愛說話 結果當天裝斯文 都沒出什麼聲音

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nathan's 16 wk doctor checkup 憲瑞四個月的進度

我們今天去看醫生做寶寶的健康檢查 他長大許多 現在身高快要七十公分 體重九公斤 醫生說身高體重都是前百分之三 差不多是八個月寶寶的尺寸 但是他的身材看來 是壯不是胖 都是肌肉 醫生說 看起來基因很好 天生就是比較大 連頭圍都是前百分之二十 差不多十七公分
他出生的時候快要四公斤 身高五十三公分 頭圍十四公分 (難怪擠半天擠不出來 一般子宮頸開十公分左右就已經是可以開始生的時候了)
跟出生時候比較 他的體重成長百分之兩百 身高長十五公分 頭圍長三公分 Aaron竟然認為他現在看起來頭髮比較少的關係不是換髮 是頭變大的關係 不知道真的假的

We had our 4 month doctor appointment today and our little Nathan is obviously not so "little" anymore ......Thanks to both Aaron's and my genes..Nathan now is a 4 month old baby in an 8 month old size....However..the doctor did emphasize that he is not fat..just simply big by nature..and healthy..everything is normal..

Here are his current update..His height and weight are both in the top 3%...Height is 27 inches(68.6 cm), Weight is 20lb (9.07kg), head size 17 cm (the top 20%). He now eat around 6 oz (200cc).

And when he was born...his height was 21 inches (53.3cm), his weight is 8.7 lb (3786g), and his head was 14.1 cm. (well...consider the fully dilated is 10 cm....there is no way I can push him out without doctor's help.....)

Our baby has grown over 200% in weight and 15 cm (6 inches) in 4 months...It's quite an incredible accompishment..By this rate..Little Nathan will become giant Nathan in no'd should find him a real cow rather than myself to feed him...The doctor said we can start the puree diet for him on his 5th month..

Above Mom's hand in the left and Daddy's hand in the right with Nathan's 4 month hands..
Below Baby's hands minutes after birth (we forgot to count if there were five or not, but did remember to take picture)