Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Play with Cat跟貓咪玩

My friend Lillian is a cat-lover and she recently just rescues lots baby-kitten that are left in her backyard.

Even though Nathan has been learning about "Cat" sign language..he never had chance to play with a real one so far.. ( does lion..elephant..but we probably won't let him play with them ..:-P )

Aunt Shirley invited us for a cat visit while she is cat-sitter all these cute cats during Lillian's travel so we had the cat adventure last night. And Nathan LOVES the cat, he was very cautious in the beginning..just watch..not willing to touch..after a while, he started to get excited and start to make sounds like "woo woo woooooo" and reached out to touch them. He is so curious..he wants to try the milk they drink..the food they eat..and he enjoyed so much of watching the cats play with each other and walk back and forth in front of him.

我們有一個朋友很愛貓 家裡養了很多隻貓 最近他又收養了好幾隻被遺棄的小貓 昨天我們決定晚上趁下班後帶憲瑞去他家看看 認識一下貓咪 憲瑞剛開始很緊張 只是觀察也不敢碰 但是小貓一直跑過來碰他的腳 他也看到大貓跳上跳下 終於他感興趣 開始發出興奮的嗚嗚嗚~~的聲音 他想摸貓 想試吃貓食 想拿貓喝牛奶的杯子 屋內九隻貓跑來跑去還會互相追逐 看的憲瑞好開心

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Love Big Spoon

Nathan Started this thing...the cup we drink..taste better...the spoon we use...make food more delicious..the laptop mom more fun...tonight when Aaron try to feed him, he insist to take over daddy's big spoon and let daddy use his little spoon...

憲瑞最近開始很愛學我們 喝水 大人的杯子喝的比較好喝 吃東西 大人的湯匙或是筷子吃起來比較好吃.......看他搶到我們大湯匙後吃東西一臉幸福的樣子 真的是很好笑 小傢伙 越來越有觀察力 越來越會模仿的

Halloween weekend events-The twin-Antonio and Francisco's 1yr old birthday party

今天憲瑞有忙碌的一天 中午去他的雙胞胎好朋友Antonio and Francisco家參加他們的一歲生日派對 之後再趕去參加他另外的寶寶萬聖節派對 這些是他朋友生日派對的照片 他們的爹娘是拉丁裔的律師跟醫師 所以派對的食物跟來的客人都是說西班牙文的 他的兩個好朋友跟他一起上游泳課跟音樂課 是非常可愛的兩個寶寶 不過他們的親戚跟奶奶們都爭者抱他們 所以我們只有找到機會跟Francisco照相 Nathan在派對上玩的很開心 桌上有可以吹聲音的小喇叭 被他當彩球玩好久 派對最後 更有Pinata的傳統遊戲 在一個紙做的玩偶肚子裡面塞滿糖果 讓小孩子們輪流去敲(照理要蒙者眼睛敲) 看看那個小朋友幸運敲開 敲開了 小孩子分糖果吃 不過憲瑞這個年紀 眼睛不蒙也敲不太到 也敲不開 所以 就敲好玩的啦

Today Nathan got a very fullfilled day, we went to his music and swimming buddy Antonio and Francisco's first year birthday party (Happy Birthday!!!), and then went to another great Halloween party with all his good baby friends.

These are pictures from the birthday party. They are the cutest twin we know. Nathan had a blast with the birthday maracas (Ha! ) and he tried his first Pinata..tried the yummy yummy Tacos and rice...and the best part is..share this memorable moments with his good friends Antonio and Francisco!

Halloween Party!!!!

This is the baby Halloween costume party that we were so excited for a long time...however, we had another party earlier so we were little bit late and missed the big group picture of the babies :-(((

HOWEVER...Nathan LOVES to see all his good friends there, Taline is so cute and so confident as always and she is just adorable in the Dutch girl dress, his good budy Nathan is the cutest King of LA.. Kacey is such a cute corn princess, and the most handsome bee we know...and Veronica...we missed the chance to see her costume..and we also met many new friends..every one is just so cute..

Nathan was a very contened tree frog..he has been practices to wear the frog hat for over a he didn't struggle to take it off at all....but we decided to give him a break to take it off since it was a really hot day..and Nathan got so excited to see his good buddy the other Nathan at the sand he is..happy as can be...and try to eat some sands ofcourse...nothing more delicious than sand, isn't it? :-)

這是今天帶憲瑞去參加萬聖節派對的照片 因為我們在這個派對之前有趕去參加另一對雙胞胎的生日派對 所以遲了一點 沒有趕上所有寶寶一起合拍的照片:-( 派對上的寶寶們都很可愛 有小公主 小黑貓 小蜜蜂 荷蘭裝 國王裝

但是憲瑞看到那麼多年紀差不多的小哥哥 小姐姐 還是跟大家玩的很開心 他們都覺得他是一隻很可愛的小樹蛙 不過今天的天氣特別熱 差不多三十幾度 所以所有的寶寶一拍完照 就迫不即待的把衣服換下 改成涼快的夏裝 所以我們小樹蛙也從善如流的 換裝 加入玩沙的行列

My Halloween Pot-luck Dish- Mummy Dog 萬聖節點心 木乃伊熱狗

今天帶憲瑞去一個朋友家辦的萬聖節派對 參加的都是家裡有小寶寶的家庭 我們每一家要負責帶一道點心 我上網查了一下 決定做這個看起來簡單又可愛的木乃伊熱狗 到的時候發現其他媽媽帶的大部分都是很可愛的甜的點心 想不到我們的熱狗從打開包裝開始 不到五分鐘就被瓜分光了

Today we are going to Diane and Kacey's Halloween Costume Party..this is so exciting..and we decided to make the mummies hotdog to match the Halloween Theme..they are so easy..and very cute..this is our first time for the Halloween themed party..I was worry if my dish is okay..consider they all disappeared in few minutes..:-) We were very happy every one enjoyed it!