Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nathan's first day at Day Care

Finally..after a long debate, I decided to take a part-time job offer just so that it will connect me again back to the job field and at same time, it still keeps the flexibility for me so that I can still keep some quality time with my boy. Mostly, I feel Nathan needs more stimulation because he seems always extra happy, extra active when he is with other kids...maybe it's time for my baby boy to start a new life than seeing mommy whole day long...

And..Today is Nathan's first day to go to day care, he was little bit nervous when we walked in the facility but he was willing to let Frank, one of the teacher to hold him. After few mins, he started to crawl around, touch the posters, pictures, and even pull out two toy boxes to play while he still check on me every now and then to ensure I am nearby..after a while, he was attracted to other toddlers, the toys..and soon happily invited himself to join the breakfast table..

I talked to the teacher during this time, peaking on my some way, I think this is more difficult for me than for my son, I probably will be nervous whole day wonder if he is okay, if he is enjoying himself, if he is not crying seeking for mommy while he is probably just curious but anxious to explore this new world to him..but knowing how happy Nathan is when he sees other babies and when he sees new toys..I hope this change will bring his lots more stimulation and fun for him.

oh well...let's see.....I think today will be a long day for me...can't wait for the time to pick him up..

今天是憲瑞上學的第一天 他剛進教室的時候有一點緊張 但是他卻可以接受老師抱他 過一會兒 他開始想爬來爬去 摸摸新環境牆上的海報 拉出玩具箱裡面的玩具 過了一會兒 他看到小朋友們在吃早餐 他就想加入他們

我想 新學校對憲瑞是一件開心的事情 因為他每次看到別的小朋友 新的玩具 都會特別開心 特別愛動 讓他上學 除了因為我要上班以外 也是希望提供他更多的刺激 讓他想動一些

上學這一件事情 似乎媽媽的適應期比小朋友更長 我想我整天 大概 都會一直坐立不安 想他有沒有開心 有沒有好好吃 有沒有乖乖睡覺 有沒有小朋友欺負他 會不會哭哭找媽媽 恩 我想 對於放學的時間 我大概會比他更開心~ 雖然心裡上覺得這樣對他是好的 恩 今天看起來會是很長的一天

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