Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nathan's first year old birthday!!!

Nathan's party began with a trip to buy balloons, and we decorated our home inside and outside with many balloons. Nathan enjoyed playing with the balloon string, and got very excited when one flew away on our walk back from the balloon store.

Everybody took turns playing with Nathan's toys. He was the youngest kid at the the party, but his toys were the talk of the town. He willingly share most of them, unless they were within his reach, in which case, he'd gladly read for them. If someone tried to take it away, he would hold firmly onto the toy and give an evil-eye look. Nathan chose his career-representing object with great care, flirting with the stethoscope for a while, and then later grabbing the giant spoon - he has always been a big fan of spoons.

1 comment:

Alex @ EEAD said...

Happy birthday! It looks like you guys had so much fun!