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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

準備寶寶的來臨 Preparation for the baby's arrival (21 weeks 4 days)

最近開始跟aaron忙者整理家裡 出清一些不常用的東西放到倉庫去 不知不覺竟然整理出超過二十箱的書 兩張大書桌抽掉一張 腳踏車也請出家裡了 家裡竟然還是覺得滿滿的 看來真的要好好掃描過所有資料 不用的 或是用不到的 可以回收或是捐出去了

兩個房間 討論了很多次 跟劃了很多草圖 Ikea跑了幾次看樣式與尺寸 公公婆婆那套大而不實用的實木床具組也整理出來 準備捐出去 不過太重了 我不能搬 aaron搬不動 看看到時候有沒有辦法找人幫忙搬到樓下讓Goodwell載走

可能看到最近肚子大的很快 開始擔心到時候自己的行動力更差 所以開始急者佈置家裡 準備家裡未來有訪客的需求與物色寶寶需要的明細單
另一間要怎麼擺 才能放下一張書桌 寶寶床 我們的床 跟一些寶寶用品
也開始盤算者未來的生活安排與育嬰預算 看樣子 要養一個寶寶真是不容易

另外 也開始注意我們這個區有沒有價格合理 乾淨的三房公寓或房子出租 也許在寶寶來臨之前 我們應該要準備搬家了

寶寶的用品種類超多 能登記的網站與價格也很多 看東看西 我決定選Amazon 種類多 合作的公司很多 不用另外登記不同的網站 價格合理 加上可以看到很多父母使用過後的經驗交流 對於沒有經驗的我們來說 更可以安心吧

寶寶的東西 因為新生兒長的很快 有的東西舊的就很好了 像是寶寶的衣服之類的 雖然還不太確定怎麼去蒐集 但是希望到時候可以跟親友收集一些二手純棉的 簡單樣式 上面沒有寶寶會咬的鈕扣或是會扯到的緞帶就好了 加上有人建議說 很多人都會選衣服當禮物 所以登記的時候 就不要選衣服了

至於安全性很重要的東西 儘管網路上有很多二手的可以選擇 我想 我還是會買新的吧 像是娃娃床 手推車 娃娃車椅 美國對於這部分都有詳細的法規來確定安全性 像是消費者報告的網站 裡面對於娃娃睡床的高度 柵欄中間的間距 使用的材質以及檢查是否會鬆脫及脫漆部分都有推薦 她們不建議使用製造於2000年的床 因為使用久的二手床 可能有年紀較大的寶寶在上面跳躍之類的 堅固性可能會比較差 最好找上面有JPMA 協會認證標籤的比較保險

手推車的部分 我聽了很多不同的意見 aaron是想說輕一點的就好 大約三到五公斤的那種 方便上下車 但是也有朋友說 要買稍微大一點的 像是travel system's stroller....大概會十公斤左右吧 寶寶比較不會搖晃震動的太利害 最重的有到約二十公斤 真不知道到時候要用什麼力氣把手推車搬上車廂

新生兒專用的手推車倒是不需要了 因為用的機會不常也不久 寶寶大半是抱在懷裡吧 可能需要一個baby carrier 手推車還是選擇嬰兒到幼兒都可以使用的比較好 因為很多新型的都可以把新生兒的車椅直接放在手推車上面 總之 這部分 我還在物色中

至於嬰兒尿布部分 我想 我們應該會選擇布尿布吧 一方面透氣 對寶寶皮膚好 一方面可以減少很多無法分解的垃圾 降低污染 此外 也可以省不少錢 用過的尿布可以留者給第二個寶寶用 或者是拿來洗車 擦車也不錯 現在的布尿布設計很多種 到時候應該可以勝任的來每兩天洗尿布的生活吧......

至於要不要做月子中心送餐 產假要休多久 要找保母還是baby day care 醫院要選哪一家 產前課程要去哪裡上 又是另一回事了 陸陸續續在看囉 有機會再跟你們分享

總之感覺事情好多 要學的也很多 但是也很興奮 產程過了一半 小哈哈還是很健康 也越來越會在媽媽肚子裡開party了 希望接下來的產程也都順順利利

Aaron and I started to clean up the house and hoping to make more space for our coming baby..Before we realized, we put away over 20 boxes of books, Christmas decoration, bicycle, one of two big desks...However, for some reason, our apartment still feels quite full. It looks like we need to be serious about dumping or donate some books.

We have been discussed and made many blueprints about how we like our home to be in the future. Also check online and visited Ikea...we need to make our two bedrooms functional for my parents' stay, and also a room for our desk, bed, and little-Ha's crib stuff. I think I will give away my parents-in-law's bed set..they are just too big for a small room. We even have a hard time to figure out where to get workers to move those heavy furnitures downstairs..

I am also debating if we need to move to a 3 bedroom condo/house instead of staying in our current 2 bedroom apartment. If I can find something reasonable on the market..maybe we will go for that.

Also, with the growing belly..I am worry I will be too big to function much in setting up the house appropriately..So I start to do more home works about baby items. After compared so many baby registry online, I decided to chose for my registry. It seems like they have the most variety, reasonable price, and further more, I can see a lot of reviews from other parents in each product. I think it would be very helpful for us since we are the first time parents who just need to figure out almost about everything related to the baby.

Since baby grow so fast, I think it's okay to get some used items for the baby..such as baby clothe.

But for some items with great safety concern in mind, I think I'd rather buy the new ones..such as the crib, stroller and car seat. For the stroller, Aaron is thinking to go for the light-weighted type..but some friends suggested to go for the bigger type..such as the travel system stroller because they are more stable for the baby..I don't know, I am still searing around and trying to learn more about which type would fit our life better.

As for diaper..Aaron and I both agree that we will go for the clothe diaper..It's comfortable for the baby and cause less trash and pollution to the earth, save more money and can be used for our second baby in the just doesn't seem have any reason we don't use the clothe diaper as our choice...I think I can probably handle the once per two days laundry load as well.

As long I will take my maternity off, which hospital to give birth, where to take the pre-maternity class..should I chose nanny or baby day care..and how to deal with the one month special food for the mom after birth...I am still trying to figure all of them out.

Over all, I am so glad that we are 22 weeks now and our little precious love is growing healthily in me. The little baby starts to kick more and often have big party every now and then. I hope we will able to have a full-term healthy pregnancy with a wonderful mini-Aaron to the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

: ))) wow! 真是大工程呀!!!
我身邊幾個朋友自己使用過都很推薦這個背袋... 參考看看囉.