Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Hagedorn band

Nathan and his cousin Henry had a great time during our visit at Chicago. Henry is 1 yr older than Nathan. He is funny and talented like his parents. And we can see Nathan already became a big fan of his older cousin Henry..because he follows him everywhere and always very entertained by whatever he is doing.

Also, he was very attracted to his 3 month old cousin Hattie. He always observe Hattie and just so fond of her..hopefully one day Nathan will be a good big brother too.

Oh..and we also met his cousin Charlie who is 2 weeks older than him..Charliel is amazing in his ability of speaking and walking. Oh well..I can only tell myself that every baby is different, Nathan is taller so he walk slower and as a biliguel baby..he learned two language at same time :-)

Anyway..this is Nathan first time meetings his cousins and we had great time!

Who gave you the driving license???? 亂開車的忙碌小子

Just a normal nice Sunday at the Leg park near home 愉快的在公園度過星期天下午

Nathan enjoys more and more of walking around, crawling around, so we tried to keep him more active during the day. It's more exhausting and yet so fun to see him move around more and talk more.He is really picking up words and express himself more.

Today he says.."shuuu" for shoes, and "sarrrr" for socks..and also said hsish hsish for thank you in Chinese..

Also, after we played in the park, he did the sign for "wash hands"..without any of our son starts to have more his own opinions of what he wants to do...I should be happy or worry?? :-) I think I would just be happy..and hopefully I am able to guide him to make decisions more toward the better direction.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Play time with daddy tonight..

Nathan started to copy our actions and sounds more...

the words he says now..
Dada--or Baba for daddy
Mamama- for mommy
Don-for the lights in Chinese..
Chzzzz-for cheers with cup
BOBoBo-for Ball
Buuu--for Ballon
Pple..for apple
Nananana- for no no no or sometimes Ba"nana"
Zou Zou Zou- Chinese go go go..
Pao Pao Pao-Chinese Hug
Bibi-for bye bye

Also he can understand stand up, come the book...put the toy back to the bag, drink, milk, bye bye, kiss, wait for a minute..

Christmas with grand parents visiting 2009

:-P I know it's few months late..just wants to post something for good memory

Dinosaur Roar~~~~

We spent some time at Target right before the flight..and there is a funny toy ...well..let's say this way..just look at Nathan's response on this..

逛街的時候看到一個會感應發聲的恐龍 仔細看看憲瑞的反應 很好笑

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Visiting great nan at Napa..and fun with mirror..

We are back!!!

I know...we've so behind our blog posting..since baby Nathan figure out how to crawl forward...less posting...and then he figure out and LOVE to crawl upstairs...even less posting...and now he also figure out how to crawl up the sofa.....I am just feel happy that I finally got some time to post some of his current fun..

Feburary and March is quite a busy month with the travel...we were finally back and adjust to LA time..then visited Aaron's 90 yr old great grandmom at Napa, then we traveld to Chicago and Iowa for business, fun and family visiting..we had lots of is some videos during our visit to his great grand nan who will be 91 years old this week, she is a tiny lady with wonderful personality and strong will..we are just blessed that Nathan can still meet her.

This is also nan's very first time of tryig skype..she was astonished..with tear in her eyes that she couldn't believe that she can see her son who she missed so much and yet lived very far..seeing her response..I wish every senior facility..or every senior can have access to the benefit of modern technology that enpowered them to get closer to families and friends live far away..

Sunday, March 7, 2010


回來到現在還沒有post什麼 但是今天看到妙甘寫了一篇文章 真好 我也有聊不夠的感覺 下次一定要跟大家多聚一聚 時間過的真快