Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nathan's Music class-Music Together 憲瑞的音樂課

自從憲瑞對樂器表現出很大的興趣以後 有一個朋友剛好是音樂老師 他跟憲瑞玩了一陣子 覺得他對節拍也蠻有感覺的 於是他跟我推薦了music together專門為小小孩設計的課程 說憲瑞應該會很喜歡 上網看了一些資料以後就決定幫他報了嬰幼兒的音樂課
Since Nathan shows great interest in music and play the music instruments, so we decided to sign up an infant/toddler class for him. I didn't know there are music class for infants before until I met one friend who is the teacher of Music Together and she told me their class are really fun that Nathan would love it..

結果等他上了課後 發現他真的很愛音樂 十週的課程設計很多讓小朋友感受音樂律動的活動 他的老師很會帶動小朋友 很多小朋友都玩的手舞足蹈的 這次是第二堂課 也是他爸爸第一次陪我們去上課 給你們看看部分他的課程吧
It turned out..Nathan really enjoyed the class..This is a 10 weeks class, his teacher Nura is very good in leading the parents to play with their babies..Today is the second class and Aaron finally able to join us.

Nathan's shoes shopping

Our dear little boy grows so fast that most shoes we received as gifts for him became too small for him in no time. Since Nathan wasn't walking, Aaron and I decided not to waste money on the shoes until he start to walk. Even though Nathan is still only crawling backward, he recently shows lots interest in standing. Who knows..maybe he would be one of thoese babies who decided to walk directly instead of crawling. So any way..we decided it's about time to buy him a good pair of shoes so we headed to the nearby outlet.

At first, we went to the Nike shop, for some reason, Nathan really dislike the shoes and tried very hard to kick them off. His response was kind of funny..and I thought maybe I measure it wrong so I asked the sales for help.

The sales told us that his feets belong to the wide type, so their shose may not be comfortable for him and suggested to another shop called "stride rite". Luckily the other shop is at the same mall, so we went. And it really opened my eyes, I didn't know there are so many different stage of shoese for infant/crawler/new toddlers..the buttom of the shoes, texture, purpose are all different..Gee..they really put lots thoughts in the shoes..and some of them are more expensive than adult ones too :-P This shop not only measure length, but width..and their shoes has "standard", "wide" and "extra wide"...and Nathan is the "extra-wide"..Ha..I think he is a really Hakka for his wide feet.

The first time to get cold..(11month1wk)

Poor Nathan got sick...maybe because of the swimming class? or the music class? or the story time of the library? or because wherever we go..lots strangers come over to play with him??? I don't know.....even though I knew this time would eventually come..but it's still quite terrible to see him sick with red eyes, running nose and he couldn't sleep well at nights because of the running nose..our happy little boy has been crying a lot these two days due to uncomfortable..

Hopefully he will recover soon and happy play again!

Monday, September 28, 2009

準備抓周 ~My's almost one year...Time for first birthday..

Where did the time go? it's time to plan for Nathan's first birthday...and play the Chinese game to see what's his future career would be..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Happy Swimming Sunday (星期天快樂的一天)

Clap hands

第一次帶他去海邊的這一天 他也剛好跟他的shirley阿姨在車上玩的時候學會了拍手

對海 他是又愛又怕 對沙 他也是小心翼翼 還堅持吃了幾口以後才慢慢的被說服這是用來玩的 不是用來吃的 真是一個什麼新東西都先用舌頭先嚐嚐看的年紀

Talented Baby (11 Month)

隨者憲瑞的活動力越來越旺盛 跟他白天睡午覺的時間越來越短 爸爸上班的時間越來越長 媽媽每天越來越累的狀況下 憲瑞的成長紀錄也越來越少 影片 照片還是有拍一些 但是能靜下來寫的時間卻是越來越少了

這個月憲瑞的活動很多 進展也很多 先說進展好了

他九個半月的時候長了第一顆牙(下方左邊的前門牙) 接下來一個月左右 上面的兩顆門牙也長的非常快 上一週才摸到 這一周已經清晰可見 帶他去看農場展的時候 每一張照片都有他大大的兩顆門牙

至於爬行 雖然還是倒退爬 但是他現在可以用手跟腳把整個身體撐起來 聽起來很簡單 卻是很難 畢竟他那雙小手要撐住連他爸媽抱起來都有點吃力的14公斤的身軀 真的也是蠻利害的 此外 他要想轉向 也可以輕易的轉向了 他現在也可以很輕易的從坐姿變成趴 躺 有時候也可以藉者往後退 從趴變成坐

他現在也很喜歡站 雖然不會自己扶者沙發站起來 卻也可以讓爸媽扶他站起來後 自己撐者沙發邊緣站很久 把整個沙發的座椅當作一面大鼓 敲的很開心

目前他很喜歡玩的遊戲還是樂器 跟推倒積木 也很喜歡看圖卡 之前帶他去玩過水 玩過沙 玩過盪鞦韆 玩過海浪 看他都很喜歡 所以最近幫他報名了嬰兒游泳課跟嬰兒音樂班 都是以父母跟嬰兒互動的方式 協助嬰兒享受跟水玩 以及體會音樂律動 進而享受游泳以及音樂

最近發現美國還蠻多爲父母及嬰兒設計的課程 都不是以強迫學習的方式 而是以玩的方式 讓雙方更享受共處的時間 同時也讓一起玩的時間變成具啟發性的體力與精神活動 其中很多的收費都很便宜 甚至我們這個社區的市政府也會提供一些免費的親子課程 圖書館也有針對嬰兒及學步兒設計的說故事時間 另外加上每個博物館 水族館 遊樂區都有爲小小孩設計的活動空間

雖然自己帶他出門又重又累 但是看他這麼喜歡 還是要提起精神多帶他出去接受這些刺激 難怪看到很多白人媽媽在寶寶這麼小的時候還是帶者寶寶帶處跑 天天去公園 游泳 植物園 水族館 旅行 爬山

在憲瑞的游泳課裡面 也看到有媽媽目前已經懷孕了 還抱者一歲半的寶寶下水參加課程 上一周他還是懷孕的狀態 過兩週已經抱者新生兒在岸上看他家的老大跟爸爸一起上課 只能說美國的媽媽真勇 我們也要加油 不能因為怕太陽 老是讓寶寶待室內 防曬擦一擦 我們也是乖乖的跟大家一樣 中午十一點左右在太陽底下下水玩 這個夏天 我們母子都變成黒黒的加州味

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

crawling (10 month 1wk)

憲瑞還是繼續倒退爬 不過速度已經比以前快的多 手可以把上半身支撐的更高更久 現在常常也會把下半身也撐起來 看樣子我們離四隻腳爬行的日子不遠了

Nathan still crawl backward..however, he is able to push up his upper body higher and longer now, often time he can also push up his lower body..he is making good progress every day, so proud of my little guy who tried so hard.

憲瑞的第一顆牙齒 first teeth ( 9month 2 wks) and the 2nd, 3rd teeth (10 month 1 wk)

今天終於拍到憲瑞的第一顆牙齒 是左下方的門牙
之前每次要拍的時候 他那條很活潑的舌頭就會把牙齒遮住不給拍

現在牙齒已經長的比較明顯了 所以他每次笑的時候都可以看到

另外上面兩顆門牙以經冒出牙齦了 看樣子很快就會長很大 目前為止 長牙並沒有真的影響到他的作息 他除了偶爾伸出手指去摸摸以外 晚上睡覺也稅的不錯 食慾也沒有受影響 聽到很多其他媽媽談到他們的寶寶因為長牙不舒服 半夜醒來好幾次 都覺得有點害怕 雖然有很多可以消除牙齦不舒服的寶寶長牙軟膏 目前為止由於他並沒有出現不適的症狀 所以也沒有給他用 希望他接下來的長牙都能夠如此順利

Nathan's first teeth finally pop out when he was 9 month old, however, it was difficult to take picture before because he always reached out his tongue when I opened up his mouth to take a look. Now the first tooth is much more obvious and we can see it whenever he smiles...that's the cutest smile of my baby..

Now the upper front teeth are also pop out of him gum..I think soon my baby will have two front teeth (like the rabbit), and can't wait to see it. So far, Nathan didn't seem uncomfortable of teething so we didn't use any of the teething gel. Hopefully, our luck will continue and he will have a smooth process..