Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun of pick up peach from the tree採蜜桃樂- 8month 2 wks

三棵樹卻長了不只數百顆的桃子 找我們去採
憲瑞喜歡吃桃子 我們採的時候
他也很開心的坐在自己的手推車上自己玩 一點都不吵也不鬧
他這麼乖的結果就是 有好多好多的桃子可以吃啦

one of our good friend's home has several peach trees, she invited us for picking the peaches, and Nathan loves them, sweet, juicy..he was very excited to look around the big trees and behave very well. As a result, we were able to pick up lots peaches for his snack for a long long time.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Somre recent activity in our home

六月的第三個週日是美國的父親節 特別幫憲瑞錄一段祝賀他爺爺 外公的影片跟大家分享一下 Nathan's greeting for Happy Father's Day to all grandpops, and fathers~

雖然憲瑞平常跟他爹相處的時間比較少 但是他對他爹非常的有興趣 每天他爹一進門 他看到他爹就會一直笑 他爹跟他說話 跟他玩遊戲 甚至是只是做一個簡單的日常表情都可以逗的小傢伙非常樂 Nathan LOVES to play with his daddy, even though his daddy is usually so busy..whenever daddy comes home, make a face to him..say something..all can easily make Nathan giggles a lot.

最近開始給他看圖卡 但是他比較喜歡吃圖卡 而不是看圖卡 我的朋友給他看圖卡的時候 憲瑞也是覺得飛來飛去的圖卡非常有趣 We start to show our baby the flash card..somehow he seemed very entertained by the card's movement than the card's content..well..Let's see..hopefully he will still learn something from it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nathan love to play ball 憲瑞愛玩球(7mon 2wk 5 day)

Nathan showed great interest in all different kinds of balls recently, so we got a few balls with different size and texture for him to play. We though it may be good for his finger's coordination

The green one is one of his favorite. You can see he hug it with his "whole body"..he really enjoy it.

Also, we attended a baby boy's 1st year birthday yesterday. His name is also Nathan. our little Nathan LOVES the birthday ballon and can't let go. He looks so cute with the little birthday hat on him.

上一次憲瑞跟那個小美女Nancy玩的時候對球類玩具產生高度興趣 所以我們幫他找了幾個大大小小不同材質的球讓他玩

小的球他搖動的時候會發出聲音 可以刺激手的觸感跟手指的靈敏度 大的球他可是用全身的力量在玩 也是樂的很 想不到在旁邊幫他撿他丟出去的球也是很忙碌的

昨天帶他去參加一個也叫做Nathan的小朋友家玩 幫大NATHAN慶祝一歲生日 大NATHAN已經會爬來爬去 也稍微會走了 非常可愛 不過我們這個憲瑞寶寶是所有寶寶裡面年紀最小 身高體重卻都沒有輸那些十一個月以上的寶寶們 其他媽媽都很驚嘆他的高大~~~跟我的臂力:-P

照片裡面那個就是另外一個Nathan 他很喜歡跑來跟憲瑞玩 不過我們憲瑞開心是開心 還不太會跟別的小朋友互動 憲瑞對於大Nathan的生日氣球展現非常大的興趣 可惜我的手要扶者我們這個還坐不太穩的小NATHAN 沒怎麼錄到 就是拍了幾張照片

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

憲瑞開始會坐了(還不太穩 7mon3wks)

憲瑞開始會坐了 還不太穩 但是他很喜歡坐 手也可以更方便的去抓東西

另外 最近 他最近很喜歡發出高頻率的聲音 眼睛又特別會跟者相機跑 (還有大人的食物) 他笑的時候 要是相機一出現 他就會盯著相機 頭跟著轉