Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The date of Aaron's birthday! (7mon 2wks)

今天是AARON生日 憲瑞一晚都興奮的翻來翻去 翻到我們睡不好 早上五點他就醒來吃奶 七點就清醒的想玩了 我們下樓玩了一會讓他爹多睡一下 憲瑞玩的很開心 等他爹醒來了他們玩了一會兒等他爹起床幫他慶祝生日

(Nathan thumb up for mom's courage of making a silly funny It's for his wonderful daddy for his happy birthday!!! :-P )

今天我特別做了一個生日蛋糕 第一次做蛋糕 有點醜 像是台灣專業蛋糕的山寨版 哈哈哈 總之爹地不嫌棄 我們今年就經濟的慶祝一下(其實我後來發現自己做 除了蛋糕比較醜以外 並沒有比較省錢 >_< )

今天爹地生日 我們要跟爹地的朋友還有Nathan的第一個充滿東方美的女朋友-小美女Nancy去野餐 :-)))) 小美女比憲瑞大四天 但是整整小好幾號 我們家比人家多六磅 小美女多才多藝 已經會坐 會挑喜歡的人抱 快要會站了 喜歡的玩具掉了會找 而且!!!!!小美女不但會抓蘋果 而且還可以一口氣抓兩個!!!

我們家這個 勉強可以坐一下 但坐姿沒有小美女那麼正 還是歪歪的 而且其他才能通通不會 目前會的 就是抓到什麼東西都咬一下 很喜歡揮手跟發出各式各樣的聲音 尤其喜歡發出高頻的聲音 希望不會是下個Michael Jackson....:-P

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nathan's 92 year old grand grandpop

Since we wrote about Aaron's grandmom- Nathan's grand grandmom, I think it would be fair to write little bit something about my grandpop-Nathan's grand grandpop.

My grandpop is now 92 years old, hardly has any wrinkles on his face. He lived by himself in his own house since my grandmom passed away. However, my big uncle lives just 5 minutes walking distance from him, they deliver meals and check on him every day. He was an excellent police who catch many criminals in the past due to his great memory and smart minds. He is still in very good health, he can walk long distance, and who watches news in both Chinese and Japanese daily. He knows history well and always have tons of stories to tell.

He was born in a very poor family as the fifth child. So his father just simply give him a very simple name...Five Liu. Because his family was so poor, they actually gave him away to other family who has no son to adopt him. However, the other family was very poor too. So my grandpop only received few years education. However, he loves to learn, loves to figure things out...he self-taugh himself with excellent Japanese, excellent history, and very good in the ancient literature. Also, he pushed himself very hard in study that he passed the police test to became a Chinese police when Taiwan was still under Japanese Goverment as a colony place. It was considered very rare at that time that they are willing to let a Chinese to be their police, but since he learned Japanese well...they accepted him.

My grandparents has 8 kids, 4 sons and 4 daughters. I think they are very open to their kids because my uncles and aunties are all very comfortable to express their opinions in front of each other. And it has always been confusing to me which uncle is older or younger, because they call each other by my siblings and I simply name my uncles and aunties by the city they live in.

My grandpop is very thrilled about Nathan. We asked his advice to give Nathan a Chinese name and he joked that he think Nathan's Chinese wouldn't be too good because he is American. So we'd better choose a character that's easy to write for him. Well..:-) I think my Nathan will be smart enough to remember any character that I choose for him so I decided to chose something with great meaning.

:-) The story is getting lengthy...Let's hope this article will help Nathan to remember that he has a great grand grandpop one day.

grand nan's 90th birthday (7 month 1 week_)

We visited Napa for Aaron's grandmom for her 90th birthday. She is a wonderful sweet lady who was a childcare professor at the Napa College before. We were amazed for how many friends of all ages she has and how popular, connected to the community she is. Nan was a professional opera singer when she was young and due to her love for children, she decided to become a teacher, and after her husband retired, they managed a Christmas tree Farm at Napa, California for many years.

The Nan we know..never complain, always think for others, always talk so positive. One time she fell out of her bed in the middle of the night, she felt bad to wake up the night staff to help her, so she just lay on the ground for whole night..She is the type of person that you just cant not like her.

She is a lady with soft heart but strong wills..there were many times we thought her health will not recover, but some how she always managered to bounce her health back..

We were very lucky that Nathan able to met her grand grandmom and celebrate her birthday. And we hope Nathan will become a wonderful person like her grand nan too.

Happy Birthday, Nan!! We hope that we will able to have chance to celebrate with you for more birthdays.

P.S We also have Aaron's parens and brother to celebrate together. Nathan loves his big uncle making funny sounds and play with him. And he loves grandpop read the book to him..I think he really enjoy grandmom showed him many farm animals at the Sacramento County fair as well.

More photos at

This is a playground that Nan donated some money for her memory and love for Aaron's grandpop. This is a playground of Napa college which has a very special meaning to the family.

Nathan was so happy when we arrived the hotel from the long drive. He giggle, rolling aroud on the bed. He is very good on the travel. We are so lucky to have him.

Nan's church has a special party for her. And we were amazed how many people knows Nan since they were little.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nathan Gives Commencement Address

"Fight On Everyone!" And the crowd cheered. Next year, perhaps it will be time for Notre Dame!

This is the first time Aaron participate the commencement as a teacher. We went to one of his student's graduation party and had a great time. Nathan LOVES to wear daddy's gown and be a little Trojan.

More photos at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New record 憲瑞新紀錄(附薰衣草花園照片)

Nathan has doctor appointment today, we took his new measurement as well as vaccine. He really dislike the shot and cried v.v.v.v.loud.'s hard to watch, not mention that I have to help the nurse to hold his hand and leg tight..However, he is a brave little boy and recovered to his usual happiness in a short time.
憲瑞今天去看醫生 打預防注射 一切正常 醫生伯伯說他長的很好 身高體重頭圍都在前百分之五左右 雖然他很討厭打針 今天一口氣打了三針加一劑口服 哭的有點慘烈 看完醫生結帳的時候眼淚都還含在眼框 不過真是個乖寶寶 下了電梯就已經會笑了 喔 醫生有說可以開始吃肉了 不然喝奶跟吃蔬菜還有水果泥的熱量會不夠這個小傢伙每日體力所需的 所以好命的他要開始享受蛋白質了
His new record
頭圍 Head size (birth-14cm, now 18.5 cm, now in the top 7%)
體重 Weight (birth almost 9 lb, now 25 lb, in the top 3%)
身高 Height (birth 21 inches, now 29.5 inches, in the top 4%)

The doctor also checked his vision, response, hand, leg and various part of the body.
The result......
He is a tall, healthy, happy, good behave baby who is smile to the doctor the whole day.

The doctor is really nice and he also recommend that it's about time to let Nathan start to try meat so that his chalorie intake can catch up with his very active life. :-) So now for more chicken, fish, port, beef.....Yummy era finally arrived!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We are back home ( 6 mo 3 wk 2 d)

回來美國兩天了 我得了感冒 結果老公也被傳染了 就剩下這小傢伙還是精力無窮
最要命的是 他的生理時鐘還有一點留在台灣的時間 連續兩個晚上都是十二點左右開始變的無比清醒 一直笑跟滾來滾去的要我們起來陪他玩 總要陪他到兩三點才有點甘願的去睡覺 早上又睡到十一點左右才清醒 今天早上九點倒是乖乖起床 希望今天開始作息正常一點

不知道是不是他常看他爸爸打電腦的關係 我把剛買的小筆電放他前面 讓他的外婆可以看他玩 看他吃東西 結果這個小傢伙還有模有樣的開始摸滑鼠敲鍵盤 敲的很認真的神情

小朋友 那你要認真學 以後最好發明一個人人都需要的軟體 賣個好價錢 當個有錢人來孝順你娘喔(妄想中~~)

憲瑞這個月來 身高長高了(69cm then, 76cm now) 體重也增加一點(11.2kg then, 11.6kg now) 手指的靈敏度也增加了 很會抓東西 會自己拿餅乾來吃 腳的力量也增加了 雖然還不會爬行 卻也能夠在床上以左滾右滾的方式換位置跟方向

今天帶他去睡午覺的時候 原本呈現這樣的姿勢

後來 我在樓下聽到他的聲音 看樣子是醒來自己玩了 想說沒哭就讓他自己玩一下
他已經變成這個樣子了 @_@
整個是從打直的變成橫的跨在床頭的地方 頭跟腳都卡在床圍的邊邊了

看到我的時候 臉上還帶者一抹得意的微笑 像是 "你想不到吧"的樣子 他的小床橫的已經睡不下了 就看到那兩隻小胖腿舉的高高的 跨過保護欄 伸到床外去了 而頭的部份也抵住柵欄邊