Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby's first time eat/drink

We were hoping to breast feed exclusively, but he needed fluids before we could make any, so here is his first bottle. He drank the whole thing very fast!

Baby's unique cry

When he was first born, we were so shocked by his unique cry. The first sound out of his mouth sounded like this! He doesn't cry much, but he seems very unique to me!

first minutes of life

I wasn't allowed to take any pictures until 3 minutes after he was born - and this is it - 3 minutes old. After some discussion, we took him out of this box, and held him for 30 minutes before they insisted to take him away for further inspection.


On time, well 6hours after the due date, at 6:09 am on 10/19/08, Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn entered the world. He is extremely cute, responding well to music and stories. We can't wait to get to know him more. This video was taken about 8 hours after birth.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby's English Name.......I think this is the final..

We've been thinking for Nathan, Aiden, Brandon...and then came up with Elias..I want my family name to be listed as part of baby's middle name too...

And then we checked different name combos and its meaning and how it sounds from the baby name advisor website.......

As a conclusion..we felt this name has the best meaning and sounds easy prounce and easy remember.....

Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn

Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn is a name that reflects analytical powers and a quest for knowledge and information, a search for truth and wisdom. The name Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn makes one feel like one is in the company of greatness and unconventional intelligence. Inventive. Emotion takes a back seat to mental prowess.
The name Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn inspires study and research, open-mindedness, daring new concepts, and a devotion to discovering the unknown.
But the name Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn also gives a sense of philosophy and religious search. Here too, the path to seeking the meaning of the Divine is unconventional.
Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's most positive characteristics: Intelligence, depth, spirituality. Always in search of knowledge.
Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's most negative characteristics: Arrogant, self-centered, eccentric, introvert.
More about the name "Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn"
You just got the sample ... but there is MUCH MORE! Below are your Vowel and Base Vibration numbers, which are explained in the full-length Name Advisor Report. You can also analyze two additional names!
• Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's Vowel Vibration number is 7.
This number increases or decreases the impact of the Dominant Impression.
• Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's Base Vibration number is 9.
This number represents the overall tone, or rhythm, of the name. it too has a significant impact on the Dominant Impression.

Baby's Chinese Name- 39 wks 3 days

My parents are in town now to help with us when the baby arrives, also, I asked my daddy's help to chose Chinese name for our baby.

Chinese name is so involved the number of drawing for each letter..the meaning..the sound...... If you wants to make it even more complicated..then it involved with the baby's timing of birth...the year and the birth animal the baby.......Let's not go that way..

Below are our consideration......We want something easy to pronounce in English..and with good meaning in the letters......both in a good total number of drawing each letter..Here are our reference..

The first letter is decided....because it's the family name.......the second letter is decided...because my family's each generation has one specific we just needs to decide the third letter......

曾憲 ? (12 +16+?)
· 31 draws-(the 3rd letter is 3 draws) 名利雙收 大業成就 both fame and money with great luck, with successful career 才 川 大 凡 千 子 山
· 32 draws(the 3rd letter is 4 draws)風雲際會 一躍上天 – good opportunity – people gather 方 仁 文(mom..) 之 友 元
· 33 draws (the 3rd letter is 5 draws)仁德兼備 慎始昌隆 – good moral and good heart and good development 民 立 正 永 生 玄
· 35draws (the 3rd letter is 7 draws) –學智兼具 成就非凡 good wisdom and knowledge with great achievement. 智 庭 孝 秀 君 良 男 宏(daddy..) 伯 辰
· 37 draws (the 3rd letter is 9 draws)逢凶化吉 吉人天相 -when meet will be solved with good luck. 迪 亮 冠 南 信 祖 勇 威 政 參(mom..)
· 38 draws - 有名無利 藝界成就same as daddy…….with fame, but no money. With great art achievement. 恩 恭 晃 家 能 書 泰 益 修 祥 展
· 41draws 德望兼備 天賦吉運 -with good moral and reputation. born with great luck on everything 誠 煌 煥 瑞 萬 意 義 德
· 48draws - 名利雙全 繁華富貴fame and money both good luck and good life for whole life..寶 競 蘋 獻 憲
· Names daddy knew someone with great achievement...憲政 憲章 憲德 憲昌 憲宏
Additional names if we don't follow the family name's rules for the 2nd letter..
志仁 志中 志友 孝元 元孝 孝仁 君仁 元君 宏仁 宏文 宏元 伯仁 伯文 仁辰 文辰 辰之 元辰 安志 志安 庭吉 秀吉 良吉 吉宏 宏孝 忠男 中均 忠秀 廷中 秀忠 志全 庭全 秀全 昌平 正昌 正東 正杰 永昌 忠平 方迪 迪仁 仁迪 友亮 迪元 仁俊 俊仁 文俊 元俊 冠中 冠仁 冠文 文信 信文 仁勇 勇文 元勇 威仁 友威 many options........we really need to think about it...