Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What have we been up to?

Dear friends, we have been busy with the baby, posting videos to

After January 1 we plan to post more stories here.

Happy holidays!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our Baby misses his days a fetus!

The baby enjoys being wrapped up; so comfortable to be back in this pose; even if it is the wrong side of the belly

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Grandparent play time

Here is Nathan seeing his reflection and playing on his baby gym. After these exercise sessions he sleeps like a baby, totally exhausted from all the attention and all the stimulation.

Exercising on a baby gym

Well he doesn't quite get it at age 15 days, but this is his exercise gym. He probably can't see all the colors yet, but at least he is learning the Chinese words for "look at this."

Man in a monkey suit

This is Nathan on day 20 of life, resting in his monkey clothes. Normally he sleeps on his back, this time we put him on his side on our bed just for a moment to clean his crib sheets, and he slept so well!

Relaxing in the swing

Waiting for his milk delivery, while staring at the fish that turn slowly with ocean sound-effects.

In swing 22 days old

I'm a little angel, you can even see my wings! I tend to look off to one side or the other often, not sure when the peripheral images are so important, but for some reason the eyes like looking to the side.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Moving and a shaking at 26 days old

This is how he exercises...preparing those arms and legs for crawling soon. Its a little uncoordinated, but he's working on it.

3 weeks old photos

Arms up!
I'm wearing my prison clothes!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our little Nathan..2 wks old

He doesn't like to put his hands under the blanket, always sleep with hands up...

Also he doesn't like to keep his hands in the mittens....and yet often scratch his own face..

To prevent for more damage..I decide to put the little socks on his hands..As you can see..even so..Nathan still insist to put his hand out of the blanket..

Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby's first time eat/drink

We were hoping to breast feed exclusively, but he needed fluids before we could make any, so here is his first bottle. He drank the whole thing very fast!

Baby's unique cry

When he was first born, we were so shocked by his unique cry. The first sound out of his mouth sounded like this! He doesn't cry much, but he seems very unique to me!

first minutes of life

I wasn't allowed to take any pictures until 3 minutes after he was born - and this is it - 3 minutes old. After some discussion, we took him out of this box, and held him for 30 minutes before they insisted to take him away for further inspection.


On time, well 6hours after the due date, at 6:09 am on 10/19/08, Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn entered the world. He is extremely cute, responding well to music and stories. We can't wait to get to know him more. This video was taken about 8 hours after birth.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby's English Name.......I think this is the final..

We've been thinking for Nathan, Aiden, Brandon...and then came up with Elias..I want my family name to be listed as part of baby's middle name too...

And then we checked different name combos and its meaning and how it sounds from the baby name advisor website.......

As a conclusion..we felt this name has the best meaning and sounds easy prounce and easy remember.....

Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn

Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn is a name that reflects analytical powers and a quest for knowledge and information, a search for truth and wisdom. The name Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn makes one feel like one is in the company of greatness and unconventional intelligence. Inventive. Emotion takes a back seat to mental prowess.
The name Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn inspires study and research, open-mindedness, daring new concepts, and a devotion to discovering the unknown.
But the name Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn also gives a sense of philosophy and religious search. Here too, the path to seeking the meaning of the Divine is unconventional.
Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's most positive characteristics: Intelligence, depth, spirituality. Always in search of knowledge.
Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's most negative characteristics: Arrogant, self-centered, eccentric, introvert.
More about the name "Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn"
You just got the sample ... but there is MUCH MORE! Below are your Vowel and Base Vibration numbers, which are explained in the full-length Name Advisor Report. You can also analyze two additional names!
• Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's Vowel Vibration number is 7.
This number increases or decreases the impact of the Dominant Impression.
• Nathan Elias Tseng Hagedorn's Base Vibration number is 9.
This number represents the overall tone, or rhythm, of the name. it too has a significant impact on the Dominant Impression.

Baby's Chinese Name- 39 wks 3 days

My parents are in town now to help with us when the baby arrives, also, I asked my daddy's help to chose Chinese name for our baby.

Chinese name is so involved the number of drawing for each letter..the meaning..the sound...... If you wants to make it even more complicated..then it involved with the baby's timing of birth...the year and the birth animal the baby.......Let's not go that way..

Below are our consideration......We want something easy to pronounce in English..and with good meaning in the letters......both in a good total number of drawing each letter..Here are our reference..

The first letter is decided....because it's the family name.......the second letter is decided...because my family's each generation has one specific we just needs to decide the third letter......

曾憲 ? (12 +16+?)
· 31 draws-(the 3rd letter is 3 draws) 名利雙收 大業成就 both fame and money with great luck, with successful career 才 川 大 凡 千 子 山
· 32 draws(the 3rd letter is 4 draws)風雲際會 一躍上天 – good opportunity – people gather 方 仁 文(mom..) 之 友 元
· 33 draws (the 3rd letter is 5 draws)仁德兼備 慎始昌隆 – good moral and good heart and good development 民 立 正 永 生 玄
· 35draws (the 3rd letter is 7 draws) –學智兼具 成就非凡 good wisdom and knowledge with great achievement. 智 庭 孝 秀 君 良 男 宏(daddy..) 伯 辰
· 37 draws (the 3rd letter is 9 draws)逢凶化吉 吉人天相 -when meet will be solved with good luck. 迪 亮 冠 南 信 祖 勇 威 政 參(mom..)
· 38 draws - 有名無利 藝界成就same as daddy…….with fame, but no money. With great art achievement. 恩 恭 晃 家 能 書 泰 益 修 祥 展
· 41draws 德望兼備 天賦吉運 -with good moral and reputation. born with great luck on everything 誠 煌 煥 瑞 萬 意 義 德
· 48draws - 名利雙全 繁華富貴fame and money both good luck and good life for whole life..寶 競 蘋 獻 憲
· Names daddy knew someone with great achievement...憲政 憲章 憲德 憲昌 憲宏
Additional names if we don't follow the family name's rules for the 2nd letter..
志仁 志中 志友 孝元 元孝 孝仁 君仁 元君 宏仁 宏文 宏元 伯仁 伯文 仁辰 文辰 辰之 元辰 安志 志安 庭吉 秀吉 良吉 吉宏 宏孝 忠男 中均 忠秀 廷中 秀忠 志全 庭全 秀全 昌平 正昌 正東 正杰 永昌 忠平 方迪 迪仁 仁迪 友亮 迪元 仁俊 俊仁 文俊 元俊 冠中 冠仁 冠文 文信 信文 仁勇 勇文 元勇 威仁 友威 many options........we really need to think about it...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Baby Name- 37 wks ( somewhat finalized on 9.24.08)

We've looking back and forth for the baby's name.....

Now are some thoughts that's close to the final decision..with the components first..and will decide the order later...

I think these names' origin are all okay, just wonder how am I going to insert my Chinese last name among all these "White people names" and yet not sound strange..let's see...

First..our little Haha is 50% Chinese, 12.5% Jew, 12.5% Italian, 25% ? (North European..Viking or something like that..)

So the name options are...
Nathan-Gift from God-Hebrew.. Also, Aaron felt that Nathan sounds quite "tough"..He likes his son has a stronger name..
Aiden-the best-Jew
Hagedorn (Last name)-Hawthorn, kind of flower Bush-German

And Brandon- Hill? I don't know..just think it sounds handsome and smart..

So the first thought is..
  • Aiden Hagedorn..(well....needs a middle name..and just something doesn't feel right..)
  • Nathan Aiden Hagedorn-the best gift from God (is in the bush?)- We like Nathan a lot..
  • Nathan Brandon Hagedorn-not only gift from God, but also and handsome
  • Brandon Nathan Hagedorn
  • Nathan Aiden Tseng Hagedorn -Nathan A.T. Hagedorn?
  • Nathan Brandon Tseng Hagedorn-Nathan B.T. Hagedorn?
  • Brandon Nathan Tseng Hagedorn-Brandon N.T. Hagedorn??
Well......let's see...but we are quite close to the making decision stage..which I thought wouldn't happen..

Last night ..Aaron told me..we probably should prepare girl's name too, just in case the doctor was wrong about the gender....great......................another task needs to complete quickly..

準備寶寶的出生-Nesting Nature

從知道寶寶的到來 到開始準備用品 到下定決心換大一點的房子 到撐者大肚子也要拼命把房子趕快打掃好 跟準備好客房 整理好廚房 車庫

現在只剩下 整理好書房以便到時候如果公婆在我爹娘拜訪期間來訪可以當第二間客房

不過還有醫院的待產包 跟一些寶寶可能需要的小東西尚未備齊 還有照顧寶寶的書還沒讀完之外 (其實懷孕的書都還沒讀完 不過老公已經叫我不要趕那個進度了 趕快開始準備寶寶的照顧吧)

還有寶寶的一些用品都應該先熟悉用法 像是擠奶器之類的

最好還要在爹娘來美國之前 先看好要托她們買的東西(其實實在想不出來有什麼東西真的要在台灣買比較好的 大部分這裡也有吧)

但是看到別的媽媽網站上列一大堆應該台灣買的東西 又比較各種廠牌

說實話 真的很佩服 卻實在沒有那個力氣那麼用功

這些媽媽都是神力女超人嗎 上班之餘還那麼有力氣

寶寶的東西實在太多樣了 雖然自己覺得還少很多樣-但是家裡也堆了不少了
但是說實話 就算少了 寶寶應該還是可以過的不錯吧

總之加油 加油 快快打掃 快快準備(雖然以龜速慢慢的前進 真的 肚子上抱了一各大西瓜 動作已經很難快起來了) 總之 能做的就做 不行的 就算啦 放寬心等寶寶來

Creat your own birth plan-37 wks

在美國生小孩 可以選擇很多不同的生產前 生產中減痛方式 以及餵奶 母嬰同房與否 用藥種類
醫院提供的課程會解釋各種方式的優缺點 每個媽媽要依據自己的個性及喜好來選擇

不過痛昏頭時大概也不記得了 所以最好生產前仔細比較以及跟自己的醫生溝通 並將寫好的選擇請醫生先簽名 到時候到醫院的時候 把一份影本交給護士 讓他們知道你的選擇 但是還是要保持隨時變動的彈性以適應當時的狀況

同樣的 我們也沒有填好 我們真是慢動作的二人組 看看今晚能不能讓老公陪我寫好 最近我一跟他討論寶寶的事情 他就想睡覺啦 不能再當駝鳥了 要趕快面對現實 好好準備 

Create your own birth plan

Writing a birth plan gives you an opportunity to think about and discuss with your partner and your healthcare practitioner how -- ideally -- you'd like your baby's birth to be handled. Even though there's no way you can control every aspect of labor and delivery, a printed document gives you a place to make your wishes clear. Just remember that you'll need to stay flexible in case something comes up that requires your birth team to depart from your plan.

A written birth plan will also help refresh your practitioner's memory when you're in labor. And it will bring new members of your medical team -- such as your practice's on-call practitioner and your labor-and-delivery nurse -- up to speed about your preferences when you're in active labor (and probably not in the mood for drawn-out conversation).

Our worksheet, below, will guide you through the process of creating a birth plan. Print it out and check any options that you know you want or that you'd like to ask your caregiver about. Remember that not all of the options listed will be available in every setting or make sense for your situation, particularly if your pregnancy is high-risk. That's why it's important to take the worksheet with you to a prenatal appointment and go over it with your doctor or midwife. This will give you both a chance to figure out what's possible and what's not, and to find some common ground. And if you can't reach a consensus, you'll still have time to explore other options.

After you've gone over your options with your caregiver and made some decisions, print out a clean worksheet and revise your plan if you need to. When you have your final plan, give one to your practitioner, have one put in your file at the hospital or birth center, and put one in the bag you're packing for the day you give birth.

Birth Plan Worksheet


I'd like the following people to be present during labor and/or birth:

I'd also like:
To bring music
To dim the lights
To wear my own clothes during labor and delivery
To take pictures and/or film during labor and delivery


I'd like the option of returning home if I'm not in active labor.

Once I'm admitted, I'd like:
My partner to be allowed to stay with me at all times
Only my practitioner, nurse, and guests present (i.e., no residents, medical students, or other hospital personnel)
To wear my contact lenses, as long as I don't need a c-section
To eat if I wish to
To stay hydrated by drinking clear fluids instead of having an IV
To have a heparin or saline lock
To walk and move around as I choose

As long as the baby and I are doing fine, I'd like:
To have intermittent rather than continuous electronic fetal monitoring
To be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits

If they're available, I'd like to try:
A birthing stool
A birthing chair
A squatting bar
A birthing pool/tub

I'd like to bring the following equipment with me:
Birthing stool
Beanbag chair
Birthing pool/tub

When it's time to push, I'd like to:
Do so instinctively
Be coached on when to push and for how long

I'd like to try the following positions for pushing (and birth):
Side-lying position
Hands and knees
Whatever feels right at the time

As long as my baby and I are doing fine, I'd like the pushing stage to be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits


I'd like to try the following pain-management techniques:
Breathing techniques/distraction
Hot/cold therapy

Please don't offer me pain medication. I'll request it if I need it.

If I decide I want medicinal pain relief, I'd prefer:
Regional analgesia (an epidural and/or spinal block)
Systemic medication


I'd like:
To view the birth using a mirror
To touch my baby's head as it crowns
The room to be as quiet as possible
To risk a tear rather than have an episiotomy
My partner to help "catch" our baby

After birth, I'd like:
To hold my baby right away, putting off any procedures that aren't urgent
To breastfeed as soon as possible
To wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut
My partner to cut the umbilical cord
Not to get routine oxytocin (Pitocin) after I deliver the placenta


If I have a c-section, I'd like:
My partner present at all times during the operation
The screen lowered a bit so I can see my baby coming out
The baby given to my partner as soon as he's dried (as long as he's in good health)
To breastfeed my baby in the recovery room


After delivery, I'd like:
All newborn procedures to take place in my presence
My partner to stay with the baby at all times if I can't be there
To stay in a private room
To have a cot provided for my partner

I plan to:
Breastfeed exclusively
Combine breastfeeding and formula-feeding
Formula-feed exclusively

The following can be offered to my baby:
Sugar water
Please don't offer anything to my baby at any point

I'd like my baby fed:
On demand
On a schedule

I'd like:
24-hour rooming-in with my baby
My baby to room-in with me only when I'm awake
My baby brought to me for feedings only
To make my decision later depending on how I'm feeling

If my baby's a boy:
I'd like him circumcised at the hospital.
I'll have him circumcised later.
I don't want him circumcised.

I'd like my other child(ren) brought in to see me and meet the new baby as soon as possible after the birth.

I'm interested in checking out of the hospital early.

Packing list for the hospital or birth center-37 wks


醫生說34週後就隨時有可能生 36週以後就算是足月了 所以其實現在開始隨時都有機會 不過很多人說我的肚子還沒有降下去 所以還要等一等

現在一個晚上會起來6-7次 怎麼睡 肚子都很重 腳又很容易抽筋 整個人也感覺懶懶的 站久了 肚子會變的很緊(聽說這就是子宮開始練習收縮的 假收縮) 但是想做的事情越來越多了 寶寶的東西準備了很多 還一直在買 卻好像怎麼也準備不齊 待產包建議提早一個月準備好 卻到現在還沒有包好 真是有心無力-不是一個懶字可形容 工作交接也該開始準備了 下定決心下星期上完班 等我爹娘到了美國就開始休產假-38週 希望不上班之後可以有多一點心力跟體力準備寶寶的出生 也希望寶寶可以提早到一點點 但是不要38週以前出來喔

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: July 2008

You may want to pack two small bags for the hospital or birth center: one for the items you'll need during labor and another for items that you won't need until after you give birth. Here's a list of things that experienced moms recommend packing. You may also want to ask your caregiver, childbirth educator, or doula for tips on what to bring.

For labor

• Your birth plan.

• Your insurance card and any hospital paperwork you need.

• Your eyeglasses, if you need any. Even if you usually wear contacts, you'll probably need or want to take them out at some point during your stay.

• Toiletries. Include items you might want during labor and your postpartum stay, such as lip balm, a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, a brush and comb, and makeup, if it's important to you. Hospitals will have soap, shampoo, and lotion, but you might prefer your own brands. Don't forget a hair band and barrettes, if you think you might want them.

• A bathrobe, nightgown, slippers, and a couple of pairs of socks. Hospitals provide gowns for you to use during labor and afterward, but most will allow you to wear your own clothes if you prefer. Choose something loose and comfortable that you don't mind getting ruined.

You'll need to wear a gown instead of pants so that your practitioner can check your cervix. Choose one that's either sleeveless or has short, loose sleeves so your blood pressure can be checked easily and so you can slip the gown off without difficulty if you want to change and have an IV in place.

You might also want to bring your own slippers and robe for walking around during the early stages of labor. If you don't want to risk soiling your robe, you can ask for a second hospital gown to wear as a robe to cover your backside.

• Something light to read, if you're so inclined. (This might be especially helpful if you're heading to the hospital to be induced and might be there quite a while before you have any serious contractions to deal with.)

• Massage oils or lotions, music, an extra pillow, whatever you need to help you relax. (If you do bring your own pillow, be sure to use a patterned or colorful pillowcase so it doesn't get mixed up with the hospital's.) Consider bringing tennis balls or a rolling pin in case you have back labor and need them for massage.

• Talismans, a picture of someone or something you love, anything you find reassuring.

For your partner/labor coach

• Money for parking and change for vending machines.

• A few basic toiletries, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant.

• A change of clothes.

• Some snacks and something to read during the early stages.

• A camera/video camera with memory card and batteries (or film or tape). Someone has to document the big event! (Note: Not all hospitals allow videotaping of the birth itself, but there's usually no rule against taping during labor or after the birth.)

• A bathing suit. If your partner wants to take a bath or shower during labor, you may want to jump in with her.


• A fresh nightgown, if you prefer to wear your own.

• Snacks! After many hours of labor, you're likely to be pretty hungry, and you don't want to have to rely on the hospital's food. So bring your own — crackers, fresh or dried fruit, nuts, granola bars, or whatever you think you'll enjoy. A bottle of nonalcoholic champagne might be fun for celebrating, too.

• A nursing bra, breast pads, and maternity underwear. Chances are, whatever underwear you do wear the first few days will get stained, even with sanitary pads (which the hospital provides).

• Your address book and prepaid phone card or cell phone. After the baby's born you'll want to call family and friends to let them know the good news. Some hospitals don't allow cell phones to be used in the labor and delivery area, so you may want to ask about it ahead of time.

• A going-home outfit. Bring something roomy and easy to get into (believe it or not, you'll probably still look 5 or 6 months pregnant ) — along with a pair of flat shoes. The last thing you'll be worrying about when you go home is whether your outfit is fashionable.

For your baby

• An infant car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! In fact, you'll want to have the seat properly installed ahead of time, and you'll want to know exactly how to correctly buckle in your baby.

• A going-home outfit (one-piece stretchy outfits are easiest) and a snowsuit if it's very cold. Include a pair of socks or booties if the outfit doesn't have feet.

• A receiving blanket (a heavy one if the weather's cold)

• A cap (although they'll usually give you one at the hospital)

• Baby nail clippers or emery board. "The hospital where my son was born didn't supply clippers for fear of liability, and as a result my son gouged his face before he was 12 hours old," says Jen Morin of Vancouver, British Columbia.

What not to bring

• Jewelry

• Lots of cash, credit cards, or any other valuables

• Work. Yes, we actually know fast-track types who have sent business e-mails from the hospital room, made work-related phone calls, and reviewed spreadsheets. But we don't recommend it.

All contents copyright © BabyCenter LLC. 1997-2008 All rights reserved.
This Internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The belly grows a lot in one weekend

The first picture was taken 9/15/08 after the belly really popped out over the weekend. The second picture is from 9/12/08, just a few days earlier, and the belly was so much smaller! Amazing change. How much more can our baby grow in the next month? Now it seems really serious, he is about ready to arrive. Now...if only we could choose a name!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 6th doctor visit

During the doctor visit I thought we could see the face clearly, but looking at the video now it is not so clear. Well, we tried anyways. About 6 more weeks and we can see much more clearly how our little baby looks like. Then maybe we will have a better idea of his real name!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Baby Becomes Very Active

At this point the baby is so incredibly active that it is hard to sleep through the night. About every 2 hours he begins his party, shaking what he's got. You can see the movement outside the belly now, with sharp pokes, and moving firm spots.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

妊娠紋!!!!!! (29 wks)


想說按照這個進度慢慢增加倒也還好 每天睡覺前乖乖的擦上乳液跟妊娠霜

結果!!!!!!! 這星期照镜子的時候 竟然一夕之間妊娠紋呈倍數成長 肚子下方出現很多小小條的 像是青筋凸出的紋路 ㄟ 好慘喔 現在開始 只要想到 就擦兩下乳液 安慰安慰自己

肚子也一下大很多 感覺上自己像是有腳的氣球 再大下去就可以浮起來了

要是一個星期可以爆出這麼多 那兩個半月以後 我該不會肚子皺到像煮好的雲吞吧

醫生說 這是由於內部的肌肉擴張造成的 乳液的效果有限 產後運動自然慢慢會消掉(真的嗎???)

女人生小孩所願意捨棄的還真不少 除了自尊(要在陌生人前開腳生小孩) 水腫 大肚 變胖 懷孕的種種不適 未來還要面對睡眠不足 胸部下垂的可能性 只為了換來一個整天吃跟睡跟拉的小東西


Monday, July 28, 2008

Here is out latest ultrasound from 7/22. Not much you can see, mostly the top of his head. I guess he is so big now its not easy to see the whole body. He should be about 3 pounds now, although looks bigger from the outside! The baby was quiet in the days before this, but since then he is much more energetic. Andrea can feel him rolling around inside, but I still can't feel anything on the outside. Wait a moment, while this video was uploading I just felt the first was like a violent twitch, just BOOM...something hit me..amzing...7/28 9:47pm, I felt my first baby movement!!!

Baby crib arrives!

After a lot of investigation, we finally decided which crib we wanted. We picked a crib that was certified by every saftey certificate possible. We think it might last a while, it can be adjusted to be a toddler bed, or a sleigh bed headboard. The instructions say it should take 1 hour, we spent 3 hours because we made every mistake possible, but finally it all came together. The nursery is starting to look like a nursery now!

Friday, July 25, 2008

28 weeks

Baby Movement...

I start to feel more and more obvious baby's kicking and movement. It's quite exciting when you put your hand on the belly and feel that the baby push from inside big bubbles pushed the belly..

My dentist told me...try to remember this wonderful feelings, the job of feeling the baby movement is very different than the joy of having your baby in your arm....She missed the baby movement feeling..As for me..I am looking forward the day that I can hug my baby in my arms.

For some reason..Aaron just can't feel the baby movement..Maybe he is too gentle when he put his hands on my belly...Maybe the baby knows to be more behave when daddy's nearby..maybe belly is too thick that the baby's movement just wasn't as obvious as some other woman :-P

The pop-out belly button...

But the only thing that excited Aaron is that..he firmly believe that one day my belly button will pop-out like many pregnant moms while the belly kept on growing...So when he sees the belly-button get shallower and shallower....he got excited and think...soon soon soon..the belly button would pop-out.

The thing is that.....I don't really believe that my belly button will pop-out..even my belly is really growing...I never see a Chinese woman has pop-out belly button but the white moms... Maybe???Maybe the Chinese woman just don't show their belly button if it pop-out?

Monday, July 14, 2008

曾小哈快滿27週了 堂堂邁入第八個月 (27 wks)

懷孕快要滿八個月了 體重也重了將近八磅(3.6公斤)
可能原來太胖了 所以不用增加什麼體重 小哈就吃的飽飽的 >_< 雖然有點津津自喜 但是很多人警告我 大部分的人都是從七個月才開始快速増重 所以我也有點膽戰心驚的等待那個青蛙肚被吹起來的日子 雖然說大部分的女人整個孕期增重約25磅 但是書上也說胖媽媽整體增重約在15磅以內就可以 既然小哈目前的體重 大小都正常(其實比正常大一週) 那我就不用擔心了 希望他能乖乖待到三十八週以後 等外公外婆到了再出來玩 雖然體重增加的有限 但是越來越大的肚子卻是不爭的事實 什麼懷孕的女人最美麗 真是屁!!! 走路走到快用滾的了 臉圓胸圓肚圓圓 現在站久了想坐 坐久了想走 走久了想躺 躺了又找不到真正舒服的姿勢 書上說要盡量躺左邊 比較不會影響到營養輸送給小哈 但是坐邊躺久了肩膀酸 要換右邊 通常一晚的睡眠就在不斷的變換睡姿跟爬起來上廁所中度過 那個幫我解脫背痛的孕婦枕頭 竟然又變成一條不知道怎麼擺的大蛇 有時候睡一睡腳被絆到 半夜要上廁所被擋到 竟然跨不過去(肚子上的一大圈害我很難像以前一樣輕輕鬆鬆彈跳起來) 但是有時候運氣好 放對位置了 加上多放幾個超軟的枕頭把自己扎扎實實的包圍住 腳也不酸了 頭也舒服了 就這樣像躺在雲上面被托者 睡的超熟 看電視的時候墊在地板上或在沙發上抱者也很舒服 真是要給他發明的人拍拍手

最近這星期我對於挑嬰兒床很熱中 原本想挑ikea簡單便宜又可愛的就好了 但是後來發現有那種Convertable的那種 可以從嬰兒床變換成兒童床在變換成單身的大人床 馬上就變心了 想想一個貴一點點的床可以省卻 處理舊床 買新床的麻煩 其實也蠻環保的

不過婆婆一聽說就馬上打電話來唸 說她三十年前用50元美金買了她老闆用過的二手寶寶床給我先生跟他後來出生的妹妹用 她們還不是長的好好的 說嬰兒睡的床不用買這麼好 用過的嬰兒床可以留者給第二個寶寶用 爲什麼要買哪種可以變換的 恩 大概是怕這個什麼都要用好料的媳婦把他兒子給吃垮吧

不行不行 他的兒子是他的寶 我的兒子也是我的寶 安全的床是很重要的 書上都說有些東西可以買舊的 但是床最好買新的以確定穩定性跟安全性 小哈是男生 會很活潑 要是床不穩 他以後跳上跳下把床跳壞不說 受傷怎麼辦 以後生第二個寶寶再準備第二個寶寶的床 雖然想尊重她的意見 但是不想在這個議題上妥協 頭痛~~還好老公說 她有她建議的權利 我們有自己決定的權利 所以就這樣決定了 小哈要睡好床

恩 曾小哈快到了 我們要加緊準備他需要的東西了 婆婆的舊家具下週就可以送走了 到時候小哈的新家具也可以來了 雖然有點頭痛到時候要怎麼跟婆婆解釋我們不想保留他的家具 但是小哈的需求是我們現在的首要考量吧

寶寶的名字 婆婆也很關心 提供了很多建議也問了很多次到底決定了沒 說實話 我們只有偶爾討論一下 還沒有想太多 最近發現華人很多都喜歡取J字頭的英文名字 像是Jason, Jerry, Jessy, Jenny, Jack, Janice etc etc 十個同事中大概有六個都是J 我們想要名字跟姓氏有押韻 應該會是A或是H為字頭的吧 希望代表有智慧 易相處 快樂的含意 但是都還沒看中意的 慢慢物選中 要是大家有覺得不錯的名字 也請趕快告知我們喔

Thursday, July 10, 2008

再也不想喝芬達橘子汽水啦 25 wks

懷孕16週的時候 醫生說要驗糖尿病................

我很自信的說 我沒有糖尿病耶 不用驗了啊 他只是笑笑的 沒說什麼 就饒了我一馬

懷孕20週的時候 醫生又說要驗糖尿病............

上次不是已經說過了嗎 難道因為我是胖媽媽 所以醫生有察覺什麼不對勁嗎

糖尿病有三多 吃多 喝多 尿多 ㄟ 好像後兩項我最近都有 雖然跟懷孕的症狀一樣 但是懷者忐忑不安的心情同意了

驗血糖的那天早上要從前晚起禁食12小時 不吃東西是還好 不喝水真的有點難 早上九點到Lab報到 天啊 已經人山人海了 等了快四十分鐘才輪到我 臉臭臭的櫃檯小姐要我拿一瓶聽說很難喝的測試糖水去喝 他還問 要冰的還是室溫的 恩 雖然娘說不要喝冰的 但是難喝的甜飲 冰的比較好喝吧 那小姐說十分鐘內要喝完 喝完以後哪裡也不行去 就坐者等一小時 中間也不能上廁所 一小時後驗血驗尿

這.......一小時不上廁所不是太難為孕婦了嗎 我現在一小時會去好幾次耶

總之 我乖乖的坐下 打開飲料喝 ㄟ 這不是芬達橘子汽水的味道嗎 第一口 不難喝 還有氣泡耶 第二口 還好 有點甜 第三口 噁 太甜了 再喝下去恐怕要吐了 我跑去問那小姐 想吐喝不完怎麼辦

他冷冷的看我一眼 說 不行 要全部喝完而且如果你吐了的話 這次的檢驗就做廢 要另外找時間回來再喝一瓶

喔 好委屈 但是實在不想再喝一次了 於是自己就很努力的壓抑想吐的感覺把那瓶喝完了

然後就充滿尿意的盯者手錶 在一群咳嗽 打噴嚏的病人中很委屈的等待時間過去 雖然很同情那些生病的人 但是你們可千萬不要傳染給我 我要好好保護我的曾小哈

這時候我貼心的老公跑來找我了 他知道我不喜歡喝那東西 又還有點害喜 加上不想我一個人坐者等一小時就特別跑來陪我 還特別幫我擋住那些亂噴鼻涕的人 ㄟ 這時候就覺得有人疼真幸福

過了幾天 收到醫生的通知 耶!!!!沒有妊娠糖尿病 甲狀腺功能有在正常範圍下 好高興 想說就解脫了

結果 26週的時候 醫生又說 恩 我們再驗一次糖尿病好了
怎麼會這樣~~~~~~~雖然醫生再三保證只是例行性的檢查 但是我還是覺得很失望 又要喝一次那很甜的芬達橘子汽水

雖然 幸運的是 結果還是正常 但是不經懷疑 難道因為我是胖媽媽 所以醫生特別擔心我會有妊娠糖尿病嗎 醫生說一切正常 但是好像我有帶一些貧血的基因 ??????但是因為我先生是白人 所以應該不會影響寶寶???? 聽不太懂醫生在說什麼東西 等下次看診時 我可要好好問清楚

總之 希望曾小哈能平平安安 健健康康的長大

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our Baby's gender (25 wks)

The quality of the ultrasound is not great, but this is what we heard from the doctor regarding Little Ha (Little Hagedorn's) gender. You hear us asking questions during the ultrasound because we have only2 or 3 minutes with the doctor, so we have to use every second.

Friday, June 20, 2008

肚子的進度 (23wks 1 day)

四個月到五個月的過程中 不知道為什麼肚子一下大很快

前面是害喜 所以很多東西都不想碰 不想吃 寧願當個吃水果生活的猴子生活

現在胃口突然好很多 不過油膩的東西還是感覺很噁心 雖然還是不想碰菠菜 但是綠色的莎拉已經可以吞的下口了 不知道為什麼懷孕會讓我一下子變成很討厭味道重的食物以及深綠色蔬菜的挑食主義者 青椒 青蔥 洋蔥 大蒜 通通不想碰
身體的狀況還是不錯 腰也不太會酸(可能骨架太大 太粗 提供很好的支撐) 但是總是覺得肚子重重的 撐撐的 老是很容易口渴 但是一邊喝水 一邊又要勤跑廁所 一個晚上起來兩三次已經是家常便飯了 一天跑廁所的次數那麼多 想想運動量也不小 想想如果習慣半夜起來好幾次的話 以後半夜餵奶 可能也不會覺得那麼辛苦了 走路的速度已經慢下來一些 腳也跨的更開來保持平衡 大概只有一個'很沒女人味可以形容吧' 根本就是一個人頭象身的怪物

睡覺時偶爾腳會抽筋 但是強迫自己放鬆一下就能恢復了 總之 我盡量在腳底墊幾個小枕頭把腳墊高 幫助循環 在腰後面在放一個枕頭 減輕骨盆的壓力 還要盡量面向左邊睡 聽說可以幫助寶寶的循環 供應寶寶養分與廢物輸出的血管也比較不會受壓迫 翻身也要變成兩段式 先轉向上 再轉向側邊 面向上的方式 真的有點壓迫的重量感 但是其實寶寶現在的體重沒有很重 大約500克跟30公分長 我想滿肚子的重量應該多是水吧 想買那種幫助孕婦減輕壓力枕頭的念頭是越來越強烈了 看來忍不住下手買的時機是越來越近了

按照這個樣子下去 應該很快會變成走路成嚴重外八 像是牛仔剛騎完很久馬以後腳成O字型走路的醜樣子

最近家裡有點事 不是很開心
但是想想 何必跟人過不去 跟她過不去 等於跟自己過不去 心情不好 又等於跟肚子裡的小小曾過不去
每個人有自己的命 你再怎麼規劃 再怎麼去幫別人想 最終的結果還是要做決定的人去負責 走對了 走錯了 都是自己要承擔的 再看不下去 再捨不得 再擔心 能干涉的總是有限 算啦 除了自己能做的勸導部分 其他的 就讓上天決定 希望一切都會慢慢好轉 希望所以不好的感覺都只是自己的過多想像 過日子 想辦法讓自己開心比較重要 尤其我的心情會影響小小曾 更要小心


費了一番功夫 終於搞清楚不同坐月子方式間的收費差異

坐月子中心 一個月約五千元美金 同時也沒有台灣做月子中心那些額外的高級服務 像是瑜珈課程 按摩之類的東西 美國人是沒有做月子的 雖然幸運的我們在洛杉磯有很多華人的坐月子中心 但是她們的服務一般來說就是坐月子餐 幫忙看寶寶 跟帶待產媽媽去看醫生 大部分使用的人感覺上多是來美國生小孩的人為主

另外有請那種作月子的阿嬤到家裡煮的 一個月約三千二上下 食材的部分另計 還要帶他去買菜還要另外提供吃跟住 主要也是煮媽媽吃的月子餐 跟做一點簡單的家務 像是幫忙照顧寶寶跟洗衣服之類的 通常也不煮家裡其他人吃的東西

再來就是月子餐送到家 費用約在一千八上下 一天送一次 包含三餐跟兩次點心 早上送到家 單日收費約80元

我想做月子中心對我而言 不是很有吸引力 因為睡她們的床跟自己的床 說實話差別不是太大 更何況做月子中心如果先生在那邊過夜還要另外收費用 我也不需要她們送我去看醫生 沒有必要家裡租個公寓不用 跑去另外租一個房間 付更高的費用

至於月子阿嬤 恩 家裡有一個陌生人 感覺怪怪的 加上要包含他的吃住 那我還得換一間更大的房子才有多的房間 另外坐月子的食材 阿嬤吃的跟家人吃的都要另外的支出 感覺上那個月除了那三千二之外 還有約兩千元的額外費用 那還不如自己東西包一包去住月子中心好了

雖然我親愛的爹娘已經答應要來幫我做月子了 但是想到她們要調時差 要幫忙煮三餐給她們跟aaron吃 還要幫忙帶小孩 幫小孩洗澡 洗衣之類 已經很辛苦了 要是另外加上煮月子餐 感覺上讓兩個老人家這麼累 過意不去

所以最後 我決定了還是選月子餐送餐的服務 這樣我們一家人可以專心在跟寶寶的Bonding 爹娘也可以多一點時間享受當祖父母的喜悅 選來選去 決定選用美國廣和月子中心的送餐服務 看起來口碑不錯 雖然覺得很貴 但是既然我沒有要生一打的規劃 希望這樣的投資是直得的

至於我們家的那個美國人 他對做月子這件事是抱持存疑的態度的 費了一番口舌 找了一些網路上的資料跟照片 終於讓我家的這個美國人了解了什麼是坐月子

然而他還是不明白 爲什麼要哺乳的媽媽會吃含米酒的菜 以及為什麼月子送餐這麼貴 還有 為什麼只有生產的媽媽吃月子餐 為什麼不能全家(外公 外婆 他 我跟寶寶)都吃一樣的月子餐呢 他覺得 網路上的月子餐看起來沒有很複雜 就是雞湯 青菜 水果跟肉 (這點我也不能反駁) 至於月子相關的中醫藥材 我也說不清楚 恩 真是有理說不清


姐跟他說 你想吃月子餐 可以 必須符合下列條件
1. 如果你剛生完孩子
2. 如果你不想當男人
3. 如果你需要餵母乳

如果你符合以上的條件 那你可以吃一整個月的月子餐 :-p

總之他的結論就是 雖然我不懂 但是你媽媽說很重要 那應該就是很重要 既然這是你的文化 那我們就這樣做吧

看樣子 要等個十年 二十年以後 要是我的外表沒有美國人老化的那麼利害時 我才能跟他說清楚 看吧 坐月子是真的很重要~~~~!

Monday, June 16, 2008

昭凱的高中畢業典禮 Kai's graduation and birthday celebration! (Rainforest Cafe)

我的堂弟今年高中畢業 又剛好那週是他十八歲的生日 當初看者嬸嬸抱在懷裡餵奶的小弟弟轉眼間變成一個小帥哥了 而我也變成一個大腹便便的近高齡產婦了 時間真的不知道過的這麼快

星期六的上午 我跟aaron去找昭凱 他特別穿上畢業服來歡迎我們 帽子邊邊上還有學校的校徽跟畢業年份 aaron高中的畢業服 他也一直保留到現在

中午我們去了狄士尼Downtown的熱帶雨林餐廳吃飯慶祝 在猴子 猩猩的叫囂聲 雷聲 雨聲 跟小朋友的吼叫聲中 服務生端來所謂的火山冰淇淋巧克力蛋糕 幫凱快樂的慶祝生日與畢業

送給凱的鋼筆 畢業小熊跟可以吸引女朋友的帥帥上衣

我點了海鮮濃湯 凱點了蘑菇起司醬雞肉義大利麵 aaron則是清爽的墨西哥雞肉捲 另外我們點了綜合口味的墨西哥式前菜 跟香濃巧克力蛋糕疊在三大球的香草冰淇淋上面 加一束亮片 充當爆發的火山

偵測寶寶的性別的曲折????adventure of finding our baby's gender..(22 wks)

說起來很難置信 在懷孕將近六個月的這一天 我們仍然不知道寶寶的性別

網站及書上都說 在12週~14週之間就很有機會看出性別了 但是目前我們照的超音波 只有在台灣12週左右那次是最清楚的 影像又清晰 螢幕又大 醫生還很耐心的解釋及量寶寶的頭圍跟體長

回到美國以後 14週 20週分別都去婦產科醫生那邊照過 可是他的機器非常的陽春 整個寶寶看起來好像在棉花糖裡面游泳一樣 雖然每次去之前都很期待 看到寶寶的手動一下 腳踢幾次 身體變大了 都覺得很興奮 每次都跟老公互相激勵 這次醫生應該可以告知性別了 結果 目前為止都很失望 機器太老舊了 好像古早的286電腦螢幕 而且每次醫生掃描時間不到兩分鐘 很快也很簡單的掃過 也沒有側量 就說 恩~恩~恩~(一邊揮動手上的滑鼠 檢視寶寶) 看起來很正常 好啦 就這樣

至於我們很關心的性別 不知道是寶寶太調皮 還是那個機器太老舊 醫生總是說 ㄟ 今天的機器狀況不是太好 也許下一次就看的到了 然後我們兩個就帶者不知道怎麼形容的心情離開醫院 一方面高興寶寶很健康 一方面又很失望又要再等一個月

終於 醫生告知我 保險公司批准6/13號可以讓我們去看高階超音波 影像會清楚很多 於是 星期五的下午 aaron開了一個半小時的車趕來跟我會合 我們兩個喜滋滋的到了高階超音波中心 想說終於可以仔細看看我們 小小曾(Little-Ha)的清楚影像跟性別了

結果~~~~~~~~保險公司又搞了一個烏龍 把核准的信寄到醫生辦公室 而不是寄給我或是Lab~~等到終於搞清楚的時候 那櫃檯就用很差的態度說 喔 今天已經太遲了 技術員要趕到別的地方 你要重新預約 要再等兩星期

嗚~~怎麼這麼可憐 Aaron氣到說 我們不看了 我們不知道性別也沒關係 等出生再知道就好了
可是 我很想知道耶 我們兩個雖然都希望是女生 但是周圍很多人都說應該是男生 其實男女都好
但是我們要知道性別 才比較好想名字啊 而且不知道性別 寶寶的東西要怎麼準備 難道通通買中性的嗎

總之~~~折騰了好幾個月 結果還是不知道 周圍的親友已經問了很多次 aaron的媽媽也很關心 還問我們是不是要換醫生 不過都已經看同一個醫生快兩年多了 保險公司換一個醫生又要再等一個月 也不知道新的醫生好不好 所以我想 我還是安於目前的醫生好了 畢竟我一個醫生朋友給的建議很好 他說 雖然我的醫生總是匆匆忙忙的看病 但是目前他的口碑還不錯 你寧願要一個聰明的醫生也不要一個有耐心卻沒醫術的醫生 雖然我總覺得一定會有有醫術也有耐心的醫生 但是目前的狀況 我想先不要變動好了

接下來 我們就是期待6/26號的超音波 希望屆時能終於獲得我們想要很久的答案

It's hard to believe...when I am almost 6 month pregnant..we still don't know the baby's gender..According to most websites and books we read, it said that you can basically find out the gender after 12-14 weeks. However, among our ultrasound experiences, the only time that's so clear was when we were in Taiwan after 12 weeks. The image was clear on the big LCD screen and the doctor was very patient, he measures the head size, the body length, but the baby was too small to tell gender at that time.

After we back to LA, we again had our regular ultrasound check at the 14th week and 20th week. But..the doctor's old-fashion aging machine's quality was quite poor. Our little-Ha always looks like he is swimming in the cotton candy...Even though every time we visited with such high expectation and were all excited to see our baby grow bigger, kicking and moving around on the screen..with the hope that "this time", "for sure"..we will know the gender..But the key part is never clear to the doctor and he always finished his quick screening in less than 2 minutes.

Maybe our baby is too naughty so it's hard to see..maybe his machine is just toooooooooooo old...regardless, we always left the clinic with the mixed mood of happy to know little-Ha grow well and disappointed that we still don't know the gender..

Finally, my doctor told me that we are approved for an advanced ultrasound check on 6/13 Friday. We were so excited and Aaron drove over 1.5 hour from his distant office to meet with me for this special moment..

BUTTTTT...the insurance company screwed it up..they mailed the approval letter to the doctor instead of the lab, and the receptionist of the lab refused to let us to do the test after all the confusion cleared up. He told us..oh's too late for the technician..she needs to go somewhere you guys need to reschedule for another appointment for 2 weeks later..

Wo~~~~poor us...disappointed again..Aaron was so frustrated that he said..forget it, we will just wait until the baby is born to know the gender..But..but but..I don't want to wait until then, I need to know the gender to think the names and prepare for the baby's items. I love to have a girl, but a boy is okay too..this is really a process of testing our patience.

In the end..after trying several months..we are still in the wonder land..and doesn't know what to tell our families and friends. Aaron's mom even suggested us to see if we need to change a doctor. I thought about the possibilities of changing..but he has been my doctor for over 2 years and know my condition well. He is a very smart person and yet who is always in such rush..A friend told'd rather your doctor to be smart than just patient so he knows what's to do when something is's true..But i am not going to give up the hope that we will eventually find a doctor who is both smart and patient. For the mean time...I think I will just stick with this one.

ANYWAY..let's see on 6/26's appointment and hopefully we will have an answer for you guys by then..

Andrea 6.20.08

Saturday, June 14, 2008

醫院的選擇 Chose the baby deliver hospital.

今天安排要去參觀Garfield Hospital 下星期要去參觀San Gabriel Hospital.

比較一下兩家醫院的規模跟服務 一家感覺很中式 有一點亂亂的 醫院的大廳 一點也不大 大概一個20人房間大小而已 設備有點舊 在這裡一般孕婦自然產的話不會在醫院待超過兩天 剖腹產大約待四天 我們兩個看到嬰兒室約有八個寶寶 aaron好驚訝 說是嬰兒工廠 一天有那麼多寶寶 會嗎? 聽說這裡每個月接生約300多個寶寶

不過聽說很多中國跟台灣特別來美國生小孩的媽媽都是在這一個華人區裡面的Garfield 醫院生小孩

醫院媽媽產房參觀的講座還附有免費的早餐 有牛奶 餅乾 鬆餅 水果跟優格

滿屋子的大肚蛙 看樣子 大家的胃口都不錯

在這裡生小孩 還送你一張免費的嬰兒車座椅跟一些其他小東西

看Aaron認真聽講的樣子 還寫筆記 我跟他說話 他就比'噓~~'
我跟其他媽媽一樣 就是快快樂樂的拿免費的早餐 喝牛奶 吃麵包

我們後來參觀San Garbriel Hospital 感覺上比較新 也比較乾淨 比較西式 但是裡面好像沒有很多產婦 只看到兩個新生兒 聽說這裡每個月接生約200個寶寶

兩家都離家裡很近 五分鐘就到了 也都可以採用母嬰同房或是分開的方式 媽媽講座我還抽獎抽到了一個裝滿滿的尿布袋 裡面也含蠻多贈品的

原本我們兩個都想選San Gabriel Hospital的 但是我們的醫生公佈一個晴天霹靂的消息 我的保險目前只包含Garfield Hospital 她們今年沒有包含San Gabriel Hospital.......
怎麼會這樣 .......... 醫生有安慰我們說 雖然Garfield Hospital 比較舊 但是依據他的經驗 他感覺她們因為接生比較多 所以比較有效率 反應比較快 是真的嗎 還是安慰我們的吧

總之 真是沒有選擇的選擇 除非我這時候還換醫生 再根據醫生有簽約的醫院去挑選 不然醫院的選擇結果是沒有選擇的選擇
