Baby Winston

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our sweet toddler Nathan

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween-Music Class-my happy baby frog

我們今天照常去上音樂課 所有的寶寶們都為了萬聖節打扮好 有公主 海盜 鴨子 骷髏 恐龍 我們憲瑞是他班上最可愛的青蛙(唯一一隻青蛙) :-) 大部分的寶寶都會想把帽子摘掉 我們因為已經在家裡陸陸續續練習了一兩個星期 所以其他父母都很驚奇整整一小時的課程 憲瑞都乖乖的忍受他腳上的蛙鞋跟頭上的帽子 那隻小獅子還好奇的用手去拔憲瑞頭上的樹蛙眼 看到很多寶寶爬來爬去 好奇的碰者彼此的裝扮 真的很可愛

Friday, October 30, 2009

Preview of Halloween Costume

Milestone-1yr 一歲以後的進展

Ever since Nathan reached one year old, he seemed start to make lots progress just over night..sometimes it's so easy to they are..

1. He start to crawl forward (BIG STEP) since he has been crawl backward for almost 2 month.

2. He likes to stand up a lot, sometimes, he likes to be held by mom's hand to walk forward.

3. He start to insist to feed himself by spoon or forlk..when we try to feed him, he would push our hands away and want to eat himself.

4. He start to drink whole milk (try to wean his love for bottle), he refuse to drink formula milk from anything but his bottle, but he LOVES to use the adult cup, he always tried to push his baby cup away, whenever he got chance to grasp an adult cup, he will drink from it..many many many times..even when it's already empty (got video to prove that!!)

5. He start to point things with his finger when he wants it.

6. He suddently start to "talk a lot" whole day long..all different sounds means different "bu bu bu"..means.."no no no"...

7 He shows HUGE interest for PC and Laptop, whenever he sees it, he will bounced up from our bed to watch his daddy's PC, or when he sees laptop, he will so much insist..protest..yell..crawl..whatever way he order to reach it..then??? then he close the top of the laptop and then feel statisfied..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nathan's first year old birthday!!!

Nathan's party began with a trip to buy balloons, and we decorated our home inside and outside with many balloons. Nathan enjoyed playing with the balloon string, and got very excited when one flew away on our walk back from the balloon store.

Everybody took turns playing with Nathan's toys. He was the youngest kid at the the party, but his toys were the talk of the town. He willingly share most of them, unless they were within his reach, in which case, he'd gladly read for them. If someone tried to take it away, he would hold firmly onto the toy and give an evil-eye look. Nathan chose his career-representing object with great care, flirting with the stethoscope for a while, and then later grabbing the giant spoon - he has always been a big fan of spoons.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


凉凉的天氣讓憲瑞今天睡的特別晚 也讓我有一點時間做自己的事情 這樣的"Me Time"真的是很珍貴

幾乎整年都是大晴天的南加州最近也開始飄雨 表示秋天正式到了 家裡窗外高大的行道樹也開始變紅
這裡的街道還蠻多顏色的 從春天的紫色 粉紅色 到夏天的翠綠 鮮綠 深錄色 到秋天的黃色 紅色 還有滿地的落葉以及冬天的褐色以及光禿禿的枝頭

這兩天加州都在下雨 感覺上是小小的雨 空氣中多了凉意 也多了新鮮的樹葉味道 南加州的人是不習慣下雨的 儘管只是毛毛雨 路上卻會多了很多車況 大家碰到聊的也是下雨有多不方便

其實 我是喜歡雨的 雨後的天空聞起來很乾淨 下雨的聲音聽起來讓人很放鬆 凉凉的氣溫 讓人覺得特別有精神 最重要的是 這樣下雨的天 特別有讓我有回到台灣的錯覺 也許這也是我很喜歡去北加州或是西雅圖的原因 滿山綠樹跟行經小河或是海邊 儘管景色不同 總有讓我感覺到相當的熟識感

下雨的天 家裡的黃色燈光對比外面灰沉沉的天空 總是感覺特別溫暖 這樣的天氣總想來一碗熱熱的湯

這樣的天 aaron上下班是特別辛苦 因為不熟悉下雨的南加州人開車時候總是特別緊張 塞車 或是車禍也是特別多 喜愛晴天跟溫暖的他不理解為何下雨時我總是特別開心 但是他也是不介意來一碗湯 不過他就是會耐心的等候熱熱的湯變成溫溫的湯才喝 而且要提醒他 喝湯不是只是吃湯料 那個湯應該也是要喝下去的

有時候真不理解 這麼不同的我們怎麼會這麼合 英文能力表達有限的我 為什麼他都能比聽懂中文的人更懂 也許也就是這樣 一年中少數下雨的這幾天才會讓我特別想到那個常下雨 會起霧的綠色家鄉吧

今天看到這篇另外一個媽媽想說下雨天跟他兒子在家做什麼的文章 其實下雨天我們就是跟平常一樣 念故事書 聽音樂 跟者節奏玩樂器 玩玩具 積木 看嬰兒手語dvd 但是看起來能做一些美勞作品也不錯 要記得提醒外婆 元宵節的時候 幫我們留意幾個可以自己動手做的紙燈籠或是小香包之類的 將來等憲瑞大一點 我們也可以在家裡一起玩這些

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Practice how to wear the birthday crown (birthday Part II)

憲瑞很討厭戴那頂生日帽 因為怕他生日那天戴不上去 所以我這幾天有空就試者讓他戴一下 適應一下 不過早上玩了好幾次 都被他馬上摘掉 後來終於乖乖的戴者玩他的玩具 尤其是那個手搖鈴 玩的非常認真 看起來特別可愛 下午出門讓他穿上之前GYMBOREE買的外套 他兩個月的時候給他買的 不過那時候我就買大一點的 想說只穿兩三天就沒穿了 很可惜 大一點的 明年還可以穿 由於他長的很快 我還擔心這些冬天的衣服都穿不下了 想不到現在穿很合身 省下一筆治裝費 真是開心

這些影片是特別給疼他的外公外婆看的 希望他在台灣的家人都能參與我們家快樂的小哈哈之成長

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Nathan!!! (Part I)

憲瑞生日快到了 我們已經陸陸續續收到許多親友寄來的禮物 現在的小朋友還真幸福

一年的時間真的過的很快 想到我的寶寶已經快要不是嬰兒 而是學步兒了 高興中還帶有一些不捨

跟aaron討論過 我想要想準備一些東西給他抓周 同時也邀請他的一些好朋友來一起玩

由於這個週末會有五六個小寶寶來家裡玩 所以我們這個週末再討論要怎麼佈置才好

我們應該趁憲瑞本來睡午覺的時候裝飾屋子 但是他看到家裡天花板多了好多亮亮 搖來搖去的東西可樂了
說什麼他都要看我們裝飾 等到都貼的差不多了 他才心甘情願的熟熟睡去
原本中午要午睡的 硬撐到下午三點才睡 看樣子到時候我們家這個喜歡熱鬧的寶寶應該會玩的很開心

Nathan's birthday is coming up soon, it's so hard to believe my newborn is now almost a really flies..

We decided to make a small birthday party for Nathan and invite some of his baby friends to celebrate with us on this Sunday.

The original plan is to try the decoration while Nathan is napping, however, he saw those shinning hanging items and got really excited and couldn't even calm down..not mention to sleep..although his response is so funny...